.pdf pasted into web mail--why does sending justify?


Chad Harris

Word 03/MOS 03/Win XP SP2 Box

I noticed that pasting a .pdf into web based html mail like yahoo is not
justifed until you send it. It is justified in the received email. By that
I mean a pattern of one line two words in the next line, one line like this:

All the words in the line are present
and then (2 word line)
All the words in the line are present
and then


Chad Harris


Hold down ctl+ up/down arrow key. If you have roller on mouse ctl+ up/down
and it will change text size to justify. Yours is set up.

Chad Harris

Chuck Thanks.

1) I wondered and guess I'll have to experiment if you meant it would
justify when you pasted it into the html web based (like Yahoo) mail
client's compose field?

2) Why does it justify when you send and look at the finished product in
the sent folder?

3) Is there any way without a 3rd party app to paste the .pdf into Word and
justify it without going manually line by line (the 3 buttons for left,
right and center don't do it and Format>Paragraphs does not do it or do you
have to get a .pdf to Word application. I'm not trying to change the
original .pdf which I don't own but am reading with Adobe reader (it's not
my document but one displayed on a website) but I am trying to get it to
look decent in Word 03.


Chad Harris

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