PDF Letters




I have an ASP.NET program that sends e-mails with PDF attachments. The
program send the e-mail with attachments OK. Most of the recepients
receive the e-mail OK with the attachments. However, some recepients
recieve the e-mail with the PDF corrupted. They claim that the PDF
reader is intalled and working OK.

What could be the cause of the corruptions? The copied PDF files in the
WEB server are OK.

FYI. The PDF are generated in VBA in Access using ADOBE PDFWriter 5.0

Hundreds of e-mails are sent and yet only about 20 recepients receive
corrupted PDF attachment. Any advice/comments is much appreciated.



Hi Cole,

I have had the same experiences with ColdFusion and pdf files, the
files would enixplicably turn into numbered text files after several
hundred were delivered with no problem, I could not put my finger on
it technical wise, too many possibilities.. gatweways, firewalls, ansi
standards, mimetypes etc. I suggested to my clients a better solution
was to send a url to where the pdf files were archived, luckily for me
they agreed this was the only 100 percent sure solution.. I know this
doesn't solve your problem but it is an option.. maybe someone else
could help you out if you posted your code...

good luck



Do you know that the PDFs are being corrupted? Have the client forward the
problem attachment back to you and then try to open them again on your end.
Even if it still opens on your end, you can use a file compare utility to
verify if there are minor differences between the original and copy. Also,
have the user open Acrobat and note the version they are running under the
Help.. About Adobe Acrobat.. menu option.


Yes. One client forwarded the attachment back and it's corrupted. When
I open it, PDF reader displays a box that says "There was an error
opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired."

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