PDA and Microsoft express



I used to have windows xp home version which
had "microsoft outlook" on it My PDA (ipac) needs this to
run. Now I have windows professional which has outlook
express. It says in the book that "outlook express" won't
work with ipac pc and activesync.
Is there a way I can get my old microsoft outlook
downloaded? I went to microsoft site but couldn't find
anything. Help would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook, which is a part of the Microsoft Office suite of products, is
something you have to purchase and is not downloadable. If you had Outlook
and/or Office installed on your old computer, it did not come with Windows;
it was installed as a separate product, and was probably an "OEM" version
that was linked to that machine only. You will most likely have to purchase
Outlook for your new computer. You can buy it separately if you don't want
to buy the whole Office suite.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

In addition to Jocelyn's comments - have you looked at your iPaq CD to see
if it includes Outlook? My old one did....

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

D'oh, good catch <g> (I use a Palm so I don't get cool stuff like

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Jocelyn said:
D'oh, good catch <g> (I use a Palm so I don't get cool stuff like

Trust me - I ran in terror from ActiveStink and am now back in the happy
safe world of Palmland. ;-)

Brian Tillman

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]
Trust me - I ran in terror from ActiveStink and am now back in the
happy safe world of Palmland. ;-)

You were being unduly frightened.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Brian said:
Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]
Trust me - I ran in terror from ActiveStink and am now back in the
happy safe world of Palmland. ;-)

You were being unduly frightened.

Activesync partnerships, when they go south, are a major PITA to fix. Also,
I like the fact that with Palm, I install nothing on my computer in order to
install it on the Palm - nice tiny little programs that just get included in
the hotsync to install directly on the Palm. If I lose my handheld and
replace it, all I do is sync - Hotsync asks who I want to be, as it were,
and I select the profile & sync away - all programs are replaced and it's
good as new. Same with if I choose to move my Palm to a new computer - sync,
choose a profile, and it just plain works.

For these and other reasons, I'm not a huge fan of PocketPC, but to each his

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