PC shutting down - restarting



My PC shuts down on occasion( a blue screen appears with
a message - which appears to fast to read ) and restarts
and creates a mini dump file. A Windows message box
appears - "Windows has recovered from a serious error"
How can I fix this? My PC also had the MS blast and MS
laugh viruses which were fixed recently with a Symantec
download - I also downloaded the security patch for this
also,...Does this have something to do with my current


Go to Control Panel>System>Advanced. Under Startup and Recovery, click
Settings. In the System Failure section, uncheck Automatically Restart. OK
your way out. This should prevent the computer from rebooting when the
problem occurs and allow you to read the blue screen message, which is most
likely a Stop error. Post back with the results to see if someone can help
you further.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

To get started troubleshooting the cause of your problems, we'll
need to learn what specific errors are occurring and being recorded.

To get the error message from the blue screen (a.k.a. the BSOD --
Blue Screen of Death), you'll need to turn off WinXP's automatic
reboot "feature:" Right-click My Computer > Properties > Advanced >
Startup and Recovery > Uncheck "Automatically restart." The next time
your PC crashes, you'll be left with a blue screen full of memory
addresses and other seeming gibberish. The top 2 or 3 lines of this
screen will contain information that can help solve your problem.
Carefully write down these lines and post the exact text back here.
Hopefully, one of us will be able to provide some insight.

Additionally, you should check your Event Logs to see if they can
shed any light on the matter, To do so, Right-click My Computer >
Manage > Event Viewer > System and Application. Record the specifics
of any red-flagged error messages and post the exact text back here.
Again, hopefully, one of us will be able to provide some insight.

Bruce Chambers

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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

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