Pc Review and Foxmarks ????????


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
If you use Fire Fox there is a neat add-on that will sync bookmarks across pc's very easily and simply. Now a lot of folk have pc's dedicated to crunching so I am assuming that they are virgin pc's with nothing on them. Would it be possible for some kind person to host a PC Review set of bookmarks linked to Foxmarks. Bookmarks for sites like, Ultimate Boot CD, Everest, Speedfan, etc etc . Then when someone asks for help we could direct them to Foxmarks for a sync of our useful bookmarks to sites. Click click and they are sorted.
We could have a stiicky thread where folk could post their very very useful links, and it would not take up much time to keep the data up to date.
What do you think guys and galls ??



I only use the syncing feature and I have accesed bookmarks from someone elses pc by way of the web site so am not familiar with all of it functions, but I found this that may be of use.
Foxmarks: Product Features: Share

From Foxmarks Wiki

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Share your favorite bookmarks! Once you've turned on sharing for a folder, your friends can see your bookmarks in an RSS feed, or a web page of bookmarks, or as a widget that you can add to your own blog or website. Any new bookmarks you add will automatically show up.

To share bookmarks:

  • Sign into the bookmark server http://my.foxmarks.com
  • Click on the folder of bookmarks you want to share
  • Click on the "Share" toolbar button. This opens the share dialog.
  • Click on the checkbox to share that folder. When you share a folder, it gets a URL for its RSS feed and web page. Copy these urls, and send them to your friends!
If you want to, you may choose to also include subfolders by clicking on the "subfolders" checkbox.

Note that nobody can find a shared folder until you tell them about it. This makes is safe to share sensitive bookmarks among people you trust.

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That's an interesting idea - but I'm not sure how many people would install FireFox and the plugin to access these (as the non tech-savvy people wanting the locations probably won't use FF). V_R's essential apps thread has the same sort of things, without the need for any tools to access it :thumb:

I'd be interested to know what others think on it though :)
I realise that folk would not want to download and install FF, much too techy for a lot of folk. But a lot of folk use FF and the number is growing. An promoting this might help some folk easily. An it would be a way of helping the open source community. No one I know of has used this idea an PC Review would be a inovative world leader, showing what free software is capable of.

Takes a bow and waits for applause and a medal.


I like medals.
