PC problems



Hi, wonder if you could help me.

Before I jot down the problems here's my laptop details:

Laptop manf: Acer
OS: Windows 2000 Professional
Processor: Pentium 3
MS Office: 2000
IE: V6
ISP: BT anytime
Age: 2.5 yrs

Right, here are the annoying problems I have;

1. When I type in an address on the browser, the status
bar says: Done (with explorer icon) but the page is empty!
No default pages like "this page cannot be loaded etc..",
not even any error messages. I realised this happens only
with web sites like: hotmail and the btanytime -- very
annoying indeed. But the thing is this problem occurs
especailly when I access the sites during the day. In the
morning or evening it works fine - well not really. I can
go into the hotmail but once I sign out and try to log in
again, I can't!

2. Second problem is that on web pages where there are
javascript links/images (eg. tesco), when I click on them
it doesn't take me anywhere! the explorer icon doesn't
revolve, neither is there anything loading on the status
bar. I click and click and click and nothing happens! (I
think I have had enough of this laptop - want to throw it
out of the window!) - Now, before you suggest me to enable
JavaScript radio buttos on the Internet Option setting,
let me tell you that I have done it all, but to no success.

3. I can't seem to copy and paste on this bleeding laptop.
especially in Word where most of my work requires me to
cut and paste paragraphs. Not with shortcuts keys, neither
with right clicking on the mouse or with the icons on
Word. Absolutely rubbish!

4. Sometimes when I want to go to say...Add/Remove
Applications section under Control Panel, it just doesn't
show it!!!!! I click and click - absolutely nothing

Now let me tell you measures I have taken to tackle the
above problems.

1. First of all, I upgraded my IE5 to IE6 (no effect on
the problems)
2. I looked at my list of programs installed on my laptop
and found out that I have installed World's most rubbish
softwares. I deleted most of them (about 10!) - and guess
what? - it did have an effect to my problems - I could now
copy and paste anywhere! - but....after a week, the
problem came back! I CAN'T copy and paste again! (do you
understand my frustration?) No, I didn't install any
softwares at all.

Other measures I have thought of:

1. reinstalling Windows again! (but the problem is I don't
have to lose my favourite programs like Photoshop,
Dreamweaver and Flash MX etc for which I don't have the CD
Roms) - or - do you really think I should reinstall the
damn thing and cares less about losing them. I am actually
thinking of installing Windows XP!
2. if nothing works, I'm going to put it in the bin - but
you know I really don't want to ;-)

Things I wonder about:
1.Memory issues?
2.Hard Disk space?

Oh computer gurus!, please help and get me out of this

Many Many Thanks


You write very well for a 2.5 year old!
ok, crap joke out of the way:
1) sounds like a proxy problem... try changing your IE
connection settings (tools > internet options >
connections), click on your connection, settings, remove
the 'use proxy' option and test that.
2) Sounds like security settings in IE... tools > options
security, click on 'internet' then click 'default level'.
3) Tried an Office repair? go to add/remove programs, ms
office, repair.
4) No idea.... dodgy mouse? lol.
Good luck! let us know how it goes.

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