PC on small Network doesn't browse certain pages ???




I have a 2 computer hooked up together using a cross-over
cable. Connected to the internet with a PPPoE - DSL

Both of my PC have WinXP Pro.

1st PC (Internal IP)
2nd PC2 (Internal IP)

I've installed Internet Sharing, therefore giving me
access to browse the internet with both computers. While
only using the single DSL connection.

Now the problem that I'm experiencing is with my second
computer PC2 ( For some reason I cannot
browse or ping certain websites. ie : www.microsoft.com

Here are the trouble shooting steps that I've taken :

1- I've turned off the XP Firewall on PC1. Re-launched
my DSL connection and tried again .... Same Problem

2- I've installed the XP MTU patch on both PC's.
Rebooted and tried again ..... Same Problem

3- I've connected my DSL connection directly to PC2
( [To see if it was a problem related with
either the Network or the computer it self.] I got
connected with my DSL connection up along with the
firewall enabled. I then tried to access the
www.microsoft.com page and was SUCCESSFULL.

Therefore it appears that the problem is related withing
the network.

Would you people have any suggestions or any resolution
to this kind of problem ?

Thanks in advance.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"Justin" said:

I have a 2 computer hooked up together using a cross-over
cable. Connected to the internet with a PPPoE - DSL

Both of my PC have WinXP Pro.

1st PC (Internal IP)
2nd PC2 (Internal IP)

I've installed Internet Sharing, therefore giving me
access to browse the internet with both computers. While
only using the single DSL connection.

Now the problem that I'm experiencing is with my second
computer PC2 ( For some reason I cannot
browse or ping certain websites. ie : www.microsoft.com

Here are the trouble shooting steps that I've taken :

1- I've turned off the XP Firewall on PC1. Re-launched
my DSL connection and tried again .... Same Problem

2- I've installed the XP MTU patch on both PC's.
Rebooted and tried again ..... Same Problem

3- I've connected my DSL connection directly to PC2
( [To see if it was a problem related with
either the Network or the computer it self.] I got
connected with my DSL connection up along with the
firewall enabled. I then tried to access the
www.microsoft.com page and was SUCCESSFULL.

Therefore it appears that the problem is related withing
the network.

Would you people have any suggestions or any resolution
to this kind of problem ?

Thanks in advance.

I suspect an MTU problem, too, Justin. What's the XP MTU patch that
you installed on both computers? Where does it come from? What
values did you specify?

Here's what usually works to fix Internet sharing problems with PPPoE.
Any one of them should solve the problem:

1. Install Windows XP Service Pack 1 on the host computer.

2. Find the right MTU setting on the client, as shown here:


and then make the setting manually on the client, or use
DrTCP to make it:


3. Download the free RASPPPoE program and install it on the host
computer. Use it instead of XP's PPPoE program. Details at these


See these sites for more information:

Connectivity Problems on ICS Clients When You Use a PPPoE Connection
on a Windows XP ICS Host

Troubleshooting MTU Size in PPPoE Dialin Connectivity
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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