Hey all, not sure if you can help me out as my PC keeps freezing and
dying on me and im not sure if its my hard drive, motherboard or
graphics card. My pc is quite old now a 2.4ghz with a AS Rock PE pro
mobo and a 2 or 3 month old graphics card - Radeon sapphire HD 2400
pro, the drive is a 250gig maxtor (I think) and is only about 2 years
old. The symptoms are that I sit there on the PC and it suddenly
freezes and I cant do anything, cursor wont move, cant get up task
manager, cant do anything apart from shut it down manually. This first
happened a few days ago with no warning and it wouldnt reboot at
first, sometimes it booted into the start screen of windows and then
froze, sometimes it wouldnt even get that far. I left it for a while
scared my drive was failing and then risked it again, 5 mins later and
it worked again for the rest of the evening. Next day same thing, both
times watching a film through the lcd tv running from the vga output
on the GC while the DVI was running my monitor - so i thought perhaps
I was overheating my card or something even though it was fine for 2/3
months previous. Undid the DVI and just switch over to VGA and swap
the cable over when I want to watch a film through the tv. Thought Id
solved the problem but the pc froze again just now with no TV attached
just the monitor and I was wasnt a film just doing some ebaying. I've
turned it off and done some more research and the drives been making
no noises so now I think it may be the mobo as I saw that a few other
people had probs with freezing and it was there mobo, however I've
also seen that maxtor drives, which I think mine is have quite a few
problems also so now Im at a loss. I think it could be the mobo as my
power supply fan has been on the way out for years now, although every
time it makes a grinding noise I pop in some 3 in 1 oil into the
bearing and hay presto no more noise again, however a few days ago
suspiciously before this ominous freezing situation I'd been out for a
few hours and came back to it making a really bad noise, the noise it
makes when the bearing needs an oil, it could have been making this
noise for ages, I olied it and it stopped again but perhaps this
extended time of poor power supply ventilation did something to my
mobo perhaps? Is this even possible? Could it be the PSU thats cuasing
my pc to freeze perhaps, it might be fried now, Im at a loss and as
the pc is old I dont really see the point in replacing parts for it, I
might as well spend a couple of hundred more and buy a whole new pc
and get back up to date again - not sure what to do really, buy new
parts or buy a new pc, if I knew I only had to replace one part tha
would be the great option, but as I dont what it is I could spend out
and still not solve the problem and then spend out again.
Any help will be very greatly received
dying on me and im not sure if its my hard drive, motherboard or
graphics card. My pc is quite old now a 2.4ghz with a AS Rock PE pro
mobo and a 2 or 3 month old graphics card - Radeon sapphire HD 2400
pro, the drive is a 250gig maxtor (I think) and is only about 2 years
old. The symptoms are that I sit there on the PC and it suddenly
freezes and I cant do anything, cursor wont move, cant get up task
manager, cant do anything apart from shut it down manually. This first
happened a few days ago with no warning and it wouldnt reboot at
first, sometimes it booted into the start screen of windows and then
froze, sometimes it wouldnt even get that far. I left it for a while
scared my drive was failing and then risked it again, 5 mins later and
it worked again for the rest of the evening. Next day same thing, both
times watching a film through the lcd tv running from the vga output
on the GC while the DVI was running my monitor - so i thought perhaps
I was overheating my card or something even though it was fine for 2/3
months previous. Undid the DVI and just switch over to VGA and swap
the cable over when I want to watch a film through the tv. Thought Id
solved the problem but the pc froze again just now with no TV attached
just the monitor and I was wasnt a film just doing some ebaying. I've
turned it off and done some more research and the drives been making
no noises so now I think it may be the mobo as I saw that a few other
people had probs with freezing and it was there mobo, however I've
also seen that maxtor drives, which I think mine is have quite a few
problems also so now Im at a loss. I think it could be the mobo as my
power supply fan has been on the way out for years now, although every
time it makes a grinding noise I pop in some 3 in 1 oil into the
bearing and hay presto no more noise again, however a few days ago
suspiciously before this ominous freezing situation I'd been out for a
few hours and came back to it making a really bad noise, the noise it
makes when the bearing needs an oil, it could have been making this
noise for ages, I olied it and it stopped again but perhaps this
extended time of poor power supply ventilation did something to my
mobo perhaps? Is this even possible? Could it be the PSU thats cuasing
my pc to freeze perhaps, it might be fried now, Im at a loss and as
the pc is old I dont really see the point in replacing parts for it, I
might as well spend a couple of hundred more and buy a whole new pc
and get back up to date again - not sure what to do really, buy new
parts or buy a new pc, if I knew I only had to replace one part tha
would be the great option, but as I dont what it is I could spend out
and still not solve the problem and then spend out again.

Any help will be very greatly received
