PC Crashing



Hope some one can help me, I use windows xp and since the last windows update
I have had pc problems, the pc keeps turning off then comes back saying it
has recovered from a serious error. Managed to get some info, but Im not all
that computer literate..



hope this helps to help me, thanks in advance nicola


nicola123 said:
Hope some one can help me, I use windows xp and since the last windows
I have had pc problems, the pc keeps turning off then comes back saying it
has recovered from a serious error. Managed to get some info, but Im not
that computer literate..



hope this helps to help me, thanks in advance nicola

Nicola, that error normally indicates a problem with the driver for a
hardware device. During the last windows update did you let it update a
driver for one of the hardware devices in the computer? If so go to device
manager and do a driver roll back. If it won't boot into normal mode, can
it boot into safe mode? If so do the driver roll back from there.


I dont know if it did a driver update on the last windows update, so which
would I roll back?

The other website given I looked on there and couldnt find the problem that
I was having. Its just crashed again, took me to a microsoft site

this was the reply
Problem report summary

Problem type
Windows stop error (a message appears on a blue screen with error code

Solution available?

What does this problem mean?
Windows has encountered a problem it cannot recover from and it needs to be


Computer symptoms
A message appears on a blue screen with error code information (for

Additional steps for you to take
Please continue to send problem reports so analysts at Microsoft can study
and try to correct the problem as quickly as possible

Is there anything else I can do?


nicola123 said:
I dont know if it did a driver update on the last windows update, so which
would I roll back?

The other website given I looked on there and couldnt find the problem
I was having. Its just crashed again, took me to a microsoft site

this was the reply
Problem report summary

Problem type
Windows stop error (a message appears on a blue screen with error code

Solution available?

What does this problem mean?
Windows has encountered a problem it cannot recover from and it needs to


Computer symptoms
A message appears on a blue screen with error code information (for

Additional steps for you to take
Please continue to send problem reports so analysts at Microsoft can study
and try to correct the problem as quickly as possible

Is there anything else I can do?

Have you seen this article:
Troubleshooting a Stop 0x0000000A error in Windows XP

Assuming it was a driver that was installed through windows update, if you
knew what driver was installed you could disable that driver through the
recovery console, and see if the system would boot. Of course it depends on
whether it is an essential device, so even disabling it might not help.

The next step is to do a repair install to see if that will help. First,
though, is there a backup of all the important data on the system? If not
do that first. Here are some tips on how to do that.

1. Take the drive out of the computer and install it as a slave drive in
another Windows XP or 2000 computer. It should read the drive ok, so you can
copy the data.

2. Create a bootable Bart's PE disk, boot from that, then copy the data to
external USB drive or flash drive.

3. Download a bootable Linux distro called Knoppix. Create a bootable CD
from that, boot from it, and copy the data to USB drive or flash drive, or
if the computer has two CD drives, one of which is a burner, then use the
k3b burning program on the Knoppix CD to burn the data to CD.

4. Take it to a competent computer tech to backup the data.

After the data is backed up, do a repair install:

And if that doesn't fix it, then it's a clean install:

Personally I don't use automatic updates. I go to the windows update site
occasionally and do a manual scan to see what updates are offered. Most
updates come out on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, called patch Tuesday. On
occasion for an important issue MS will put out an update in between the
monthly batches, as they did this month.

If you use automatic updates, I recommend you configure them to alert you
when updates are available but not download or install. Then you can
examine what the updates are and decide if you need it. Never get driver
updates from the windows update site, unless it's an MS manufactured device.

Only update drivers if there is a problem the new driver might address, or
it has some new, must have feature. If a driver update is needed get it
from the device manufacturer's web site, the computer OEM's site for the
major OEM's like HP and Dell, or from the motherboard manufacturer's web
site for on board devices.

Good luck.

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