PC Automatically Rebooting



I recently had a problem with the dreaded blue screen (C00021a/0x80000007).
I did a repair install, but now the PC automatically reboots from the Windows
Start Up screen.

I've tried booting into Safe Mode, but get the same results.

Any suggestions?


PS. I'm using Windows XP Professional. Is this the right group for this

Jim G

bobspicks said:
I recently had a problem with the dreaded blue screen (C00021a/0x80000007).
I did a repair install, but now the PC automatically reboots from the
Start Up screen.

I've tried booting into Safe Mode, but get the same results.

Any suggestions?


PS. I'm using Windows XP Professional. Is this the right group for this

Hi Bob, I had the exact same problem, couldnt do nothing because it would
bluescreen and not allow me to go into windows. I had in my array of
utilities a program called WinPe which is basically windows xp that runs
from cd. I put it in, booted up to windows from the cd and did a disk check
and it found a bad cluster on my HD. It repaired the error and I was back in
business. If you have an old win98 disk maybe you can boot from that and run
chkdsk on your C: drive to see what it finds.

Good Luck



I have a bootable CD of Windows XP Professional that I used for the repair
install, but it also is used to install Windows XP. Would this CD have the
tool you mention?


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