patternfill addin Excel 2007



I have used the Patternfill addin from Andy Pope successfully on my homePC
with only one user (btw thanks Andy !).
When I installed this addin on a multiuser PC, the addin is installed but
doesn't work ! It's installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft
why is that ?

Andy Pope


Can you elaborate on 'doesn't work'.
If you mean the addin displays but does not appear to apply the selected
pattern then check the website for the latest version.



Hello and BLESS YOU Andy for doing this !!! It would be helpful to explain
on your site how to implement the new version... seems like it should be easy
but it will trip up a lot of people.

I had the same problem that patternfill addin stopped working. I knew to
google this topic and found this discussion thread but had a little
difficulty understanding what you meant by "check the website for the latest
version." It had been a while since I was on your site
( and didn't find a
clickable download button... and it's not clear that there is a new version
on that site that we should look for. Eventually I did, downloaded it, and
unzipped it, but still it didn't work. I unselected the addin in Excel,
double clicked the PatternFills.xlam again... nothing.

Finally I located the addin in the \Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns\
folder. I manually deleted the old version. I then drag & dropped the new
(unzipped) version into that folder. Then I ran Excel, enabled the addin,
and finally it worked. Lots of people won't be able to get that far without
clearer instructions... and they might not find this post, but if its on your
site, they will...

Anyway, THANKS AGAIN... (how about coming up for a solution to the lost
ability in Office 2007 to breaking up a chart into separate objects as in
Office 2003 and before?)

Andy Pope


Thanks for the comments.

I will add some notes on how to replace previous versions. As you
discovered the simplest thing to do is with Excel closed simply save the
new file over the previous version.

I thought the Download icon was clear enough, but maybe I should
consider a more explicit download button.

I will add a date to the Revision part.

Can you explain how you do "breaking up a chart into separate objects".
I doubt it's possible to code it but I'm not even sure how you did this
in xl2003.


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