Path animation in Mac v.X



Two questions about path animation in PowerPoint for Mac v.X:
1) Is there a way to currently create animation paths in PowerPoint
for Mac?
2) If I were to use PoiwerPoint 2002 for the PC to create animation
paths in a PowerPoint slide, would it play correctly if I ported the
slide to a PowerPoint presentation on the Mac (OSX, PowerPoint for Mac

Thank you.

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

Two questions about path animation in PowerPoint for Mac v.X:
1) Is there a way to currently create animation paths in PowerPoint
for Mac?

Afraid not - animations through PowerPoint X/Mac are the equivalent of
PowerPoint 2000 on PC.
2) If I were to use PoiwerPoint 2002 for the PC to create animation
paths in a PowerPoint slide, would it play correctly if I ported the
slide to a PowerPoint presentation on the Mac (OSX, PowerPoint for Mac

Afraid not, again. Earlier versions of PowerPoint can ignore features they
don't understand and can play back certain things that they can't create
(multiple masters, for example) but none of the new animation features from
2002 are supported.

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