patches don't recognise sp1 installed



I've just downloaded to patches for IE6 SP1, numbers q828750 & q822925
but when I try to open them a message appears 'this update requires sp1 to be installed'

I have installed SP1 and the about box on IE6 confirms this

Any ideas about how I can get these patches loaded?


Download the patch to C:Go to Run and type there C:\patch name.exe /n.
There is an space between exe and /n.
And the patch is installe

----- anonymous wrote: ----

I've just downloaded to patches for IE6 SP1, numbers q828750 & q822925
but when I try to open them a message appears 'this update requires sp1 to be installed'

I have installed SP1 and the about box on IE6 confirms this

Any ideas about how I can get these patches loaded?


I have the same problem. I have installed the patches,
and then when I try to install IE SP1, it says I need
Internet explorer 6. I have internet explorer 6, but I
tried to install it, just to make sure, and the computer
says I have it.

I cannot get into certain websites (i.e. or
hotmail) I did the going to the website and getting
what's installed, here's what mine said.


Now what?


-----Original Message-----
Download the patch to C:Go to Run and type there C:\patch name.exe /n.v
There is an space between exe and /n.v
And the patch is installed

----- anonymous wrote: -----

I've just downloaded to patches for IE6 SP1, numbers q828750 & q822925,
but when I try to open them a message appears 'this
update requires sp1 to be installed'.

PA Bear

That "SP1" entry states that you already have IE6-SP1 installed. The rest
of the entries tell us that you're fully up-to-date at Windows Update.

Best to rely on Windows Update to tell you which patches and updates you
need, rather than picking & choosing ones you /think/ you need.
HTH - Please Reply to This Thread

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

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