patch for XPKB840374



When I installed this patch, it seemed to play havoc on INternet Explorer and my ISP connection. After installing Update V4 and XP KB840374, I could not get on the internet. I was trying things like unplugging the power from my modem, deleting the ISP program and reinstalling. Sometimes this would work and sometimes it didn't.

After doing some trouble shooting like system restore before the updates, I could connect. I reinstalled the updates and could not connect. Hit system restore and took the updates out, system works fine...problem with these updates???

GB Baker

YUP Same here WTF!!! Anyone from M$ reading here whats UP??????

Lysle said:
When I installed this patch, it seemed to play havoc on INternet Explorer
and my ISP connection. After installing Update V4 and XP KB840374, I could
not get on the internet. I was trying things like unplugging the power from
my modem, deleting the ISP program and reinstalling. Sometimes this would
work and sometimes it didn't.
After doing some trouble shooting like system restore before the updates,
I could connect. I reinstalled the updates and could not connect. Hit system
restore and took the updates out, system works fine...problem with these


Tried to to get on the web using IE and still getting page will not display.
Seems I have to constantly do a system restore (if machine is turned off) to
a date prior to this update. Or I can call my IP and keep them on the phone
for hours

Danyel McGarvie

I have also been having the same problem. But I can use another
browser and access the internet fine. Someone from tech tv said that
they were having the same problem too. They think it has to do with
IE's cipher strength 128 bit. They suggested to scratch the update
and just install SP2. I haven't tried it yet but they said they did
it about 10 days ago and haven't had any problems.

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