Patch 918899 breaks my application on IE6



I have installed latest KB 918899 on Windows XP SP2. After installing the
patch my web application started giving JAVA SCRIPT ‘Permission Denied' error
on IE6. If I remove the patch then it works. Also I noticed that my
application works fine on Windows 2000 using IE6 even after installing the
patch. So it seems the patch 918899 breaks IE6 on Windows XP SP2.
Please note that I use frames in my application. The line in
JS gives this error.
Please help me.


I think I'm experiencing the same problem. JavaScript that has been working
for months now gets the "Permission Denied" error. It seems to happen
randomly. Same configuration: Windows XP SP2, IE 6. Except I have a parent
page open a child page (in the same domain). Then the parent page checks to
see if the child is closed (WindowObjectReference.closed) and sometimes it
gets a "permission denied". I don't want to uninstall the patch because
there are several more on top of it. Any sign of a fix coming soon?



I have searched around and found several other people having the same
problem after installing kb918899. It appears to be a bug and I have not
heard anything about a fix yet. The following is an example of one of the
other posts that was made today. It is the exact same problem I'm

Subject: IE - opener.closed - Permission denied 8/15/2006 7:32 AM PST

By: mnichols In: microsoft.public.inetexplorer.scripting


We've been using the following code for quite a while in IE:

if(opener && !opener.closed)

It has been working quite well for a few years, but since the Cumulative
Security Update for Internet Explorer
for Windows XP (KB918899) we have been experiencing this error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Permission denied

The error is occurring when "opener.closed" is evaluated and when the window
has been closed.

Does anyone know if Microsoft has a patch for this?

As I type this I am wondering if the error goes by unnoticed unless script
debugging has been enabled in IE.
That would be positive since most end users would not experience the problem.

Any ideas out there? I general it looks like KB918899 has caused a few
problems but this one is not too common.



I have similiar problem after launching a modal dialog... when user click ok
... and top.close() called, the window close, and when access the data got
from that dialog...
I have permission denied.

Uninstall kb918899 fixed my problem, but I want to know if there any work
around for code wise. Otherwise I wish Microsoft could release another
kb.... to fix this problem?


BostonSQD said:
I have similiar problem after launching a modal dialog... when user click ok
.. and top.close() called, the window close, and when access the data got
from that dialog...
I have permission denied.

Uninstall kb918899 fixed my problem, but I want to know if there any work
around for code wise. Otherwise I wish Microsoft could release another
kb.... to fix this problem?

I can only add a me-too here. Does anyone know how to contact Microsoft
about this ?


Hi ,
I think the problem lied in the shallow copy of Arrays/Object.
Look like kb918899 have clean out the memory that my array/object referenced
after the Modal dialog closed. At the parent or caller, trying to access
that memory was "permission denied". This is not happened before install
kb918899 or with FireFox.

I am doing these, and it caused me error after I called top.close() on Modal

function OkButtonClicked() {
var args = getDialogArguments();

args.newItems = new Array();

args.newItems = document.dialogForm.currentData.dataselections;


The args.newItems at the parent dialog created a new Array structures, but
the data are gone (emptied). That is why it error with "permission denied".

I am trying with deep copy of arrays/objects but no success...
Any ideas or suggestions?


Thanks for the info but these links really affect IE6 with SP1

I am using IE6 with SP2 -- it is still a problem for me.

I think my problem lied in deep copy, if I can figure out a deep copy that
work then I am gold.

Other than that, I wish could change back to the old way... so I don't have
to change my code ;-)


The behavior I've seen is that if you do a try... catch block... and query
the .number property of the received error... you're always going to get the
permission denied error if the window you're referring to does not exist. In
other words - you get the error only when it's closed. The error presenting
itself tells you all you need to know. just catch it.


Worked for me too, but IE is now crashing like the dickens when running my
app. Still, it's better than getting that JS error.

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