Paste Text into Outlook Email gives icon not text




I ran into a problem with one of our offices and it is baffling me.
When I open a Word document and type in text -> Select All -> then
Copy. Then I open Outlook and then Paste the text in an email and it
copies over an icon that has a green arrow pointing up out of what
looks like a waste basket. Then there is a yellow box with an
exclamation on the front of the waste basket.

I have:

Changed the template to make sure it was not corrupted.
Changed the New email to not open as an HTML document.

Still, the icon keeps appearing when trying to copy text. Any ideas?
Thanks so much,


Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

If you paste it into NotePad then copy/paste from there does this happen? It
almost sounds like a 'scrap' is being created.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

An odd little piece of an Office document. I forget how I created one the
last time, it might have been by highlighting some text then dragging it to
another app


Is there a way to fix this issue? All I am doing is selecting all -
copying - then pasting... Thanks again


Office 2003 / Outlook 2003. Is a strange problem. It seems that it is
defaulting to copying a snapshot in word and making it an image for
some reason - when it is just text...

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