Paste Special or Cell Merge?




I have a strange request.

I have a few hundred rows of info in two columns on a spreadsheet. I
want to be able to copy the contents of cells b1 to b300whatever so
that it is behind the data already in cells a1 to a300whatever.

For example in cell A1 I have a number 1011 and in cell B1 I have
-abc-def-ghi. Is there a quick way I can do this so I get the
following in just cell A1 or even C1:


And the same with all the rest of the cells down to row 300 or so?

I have different numbers in all the column A cells and different
letters and characters in column B's cells.

I already tried going to cell properties and tried to merge cells a
and b, but it wouldn't have it.

I also tried a few of the different options in Paste Special in the
hope of making a macro to use to do the whole cell range, but I
couldn't seem to get a paste special to do it either.

If you can offer any advice on a quick way to do this I'd be very



Ken Wright

In C1:-


Copy Down - Then copy Col C and paste special as values

Now delete Col B


In C1:-


Copy Down - Then copy Col C and paste special as values

Now delete Col B

Thanks a lot mate, yes that does it.


PS. Please ignore this post if it appears again. I thought it hadn't
been posted but I was looking in the wrong NG - excel programming
instead of functions.

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