paste in the escape key



Here is my goal - I have a few lines of text to enter into a basic database
we have at work. After those lines of text, an escape key needs to be
depressed to save. At that point, I have a few enters and text to paste in
after the escape key to finish performing my "shortcut" of pasting in all
this versus manually entering.

I was using just word or I can use notepad or wordpad if need be. I was
wondering if I can copy the 3-4 lines of text + escape key + 3-4 more lines
of text and then paste all of that with it performing escape???


Sorry, that won't work from either of those programs. The ESC key has been
assigned an operation (Save) in the db software application's command
structure. Pasted information won't execute that command. You'd need some
sort of proceedure designed within the db application to handle something
like that plus the associated fact that the Windows Clipboard only carries
one item at a time - it sounds like you have several individual items that
need to be pasted separately & independently in different locations in the
db file.


well the escape doesnt exactly execute the "save." it needs to be depressed
inorder for a "menu" to come up that gives me the option to save or abort.
Does that change anything? The things I have pasted and copied in our older
system is the same for the new system, except for this escape - I'll paste in
a mix of stuff, menu selections and text, ie: 1 - 6 - "call'd Wed 11am" -
"set apt for tues the 11th" - <enter> - <enter> - 11 dec 07.

I cant believe you can paste in an enter but not the escape key??

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