Paste from Word 2003 to Excel



When I copy text from a formatted survey type word document, and try to paste
it into an Excel spreadsheet from the same source, the text will split up and
spill into cells below it, even though the cell size is easily large enough
to hold it. Sometimes it will spill to multiple cells below it. Wrap text is
on, and I can copy and paste from cell to cell with large text and no
Appreciate any help.
Formatting appears OK, although the lines between the cells seem to lighten
when a paste is done into them.

John Spencer

This is because of paragraph breaks and tabs doing different things in the
two programs.

Try posting to one of the Excel forums and perhaps they can tell you how to
work around your problem.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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