password protected for edit will run OK with PPT viewer but....



I have a presentation (.PPS) which is password protected for edit. The PPS
file is also linked to several other PPS files that they are also password
protected for edit. When I use the PPT viewer, all programs play without
poping up any window to ask about the password but when I use the PPS file
without viewer, it runs only the first PPS file without asking the password,
but when I use the links to other PPS files, a window pops up and ask about
the password. Is there any way to get around this problem without using PPT
viewer or removing the password.

Steve Rindsberg

I have a presentation (.PPS) which is password protected for edit. The PPS
file is also linked to several other PPS files that they are also password
protected for edit. When I use the PPT viewer, all programs play without
poping up any window to ask about the password but when I use the PPS file
without viewer, it runs only the first PPS file without asking the password,
but when I use the links to other PPS files, a window pops up and ask about
the password. Is there any way to get around this problem without using PPT
viewer or removing the password.

I don't know of any simple way around it; the problem is basically that since
you have the presentation open in PPT, you might be able to ESC out and edit
it. In order for PPT to know whether that's permissible, it needs to find out
whether you have the correct password.

Annoying but that's the main function of security, to annoy us, isn't it? ;-)

If the other presentations you're linking to don't have animations, you might
want to convert them to a series of images and leave them unprotected; that
gives the viewer no more to hang onto than they already have in the viewer, so
you're not giving anything away.

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