Mervyn said:
I keep all my passwords in Notes and I need to secure the data or to export
them to a Word file or smething that I know how to secure. Any ideas?
Add a password to the .pst file.
Use a non-blank password to log into your Windows account (and do NOT
share it with other users).
Put the .pst file into an encrypted container (e.g., TrueCypt); however,
you'll have to load the container before you can access the files
Use whole-disk encryption (TrueCrypt, BestCrypt, etal) so no one can
access any files on the drive without first providing a password.
Use a BIOS "system" password that requires everyone using your host to
enter the password to even start loading the OS or boot off other
devices to access files on the hard drives.
Depends on just how paranoid you are regarding securing your files as to
how far you will go to deter them from use by others.