Password Protect A Folder



hi, i was wondering how, if possible, i could password protect a folder on my computer

i understand permissions could do the same, however if i am logged in and someone else came to the computer they could access my files

any help is much aprecciated

Regards, Jon Levett

Miha Pihler


why would you leave your PC unlocked? Before going anywhere lock your PC.
Reading your document should be least of your worry. How about someone comes
to your PC, starts up your e-mail client and sends the e-mail to your boss
or CEO that he is e.g. crazy :). That would be pretty hard to explain since
the mail did come from your PC... and if you have digital certificates he
could even sign the e-mail in your name -- that would be even harder to

So to protect your privacy always lock your PC before you leave it and your
e-mail and your files will be safe...



i thought of that but i am using the graphical login for xp, instead of the text box's

so even if i did 'switch' user if they had my password it would still be the same issue

my computer is not a business computer however, it is a home computer

i am very big on security however, and this is why this bothers me

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