passing two selected fields to filter a report

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I have a form with two combo box value list fields: reportName, fiscalQtr
The form these fields are on shouldn't store the data. When I created the
value list
I chose store the value for later use. I noticed that there are 8 records
in the form.
I don't want it to store a value for the field just use it as a selection
for the reports.
I couldn't figure out which property to not allow for creation of records.

The main question I have is how to pass the two values to the form so I can
filter the report? When I click the button on this form it says it can't
find the field reportname in my expression.

Private Sub cmdGetReport_Click()

'On Error GoTo Err_
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stFiscalQtr As String

stDocName = [Forms]![frmChooseReport]![ReportName]
stFiscalQtr = [Forms]![frmChooseReport]![FiscalQtr]
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strFilter

End Sub
thanks for all your help, I'm almost done.
FilemakerPro_Developer said:
I have a form with two combo box value list fields: reportName, fiscalQtr
The form these fields are on shouldn't store the data.

Ok, so, what this means is that you should not have bound the form to a
table. If the form is not going to enter data, and is just some type of
"interface" form, then you

When I created the
value list
I chose store the value for later use. I noticed that there are 8 records
in the form.
I don't want it to store a value for the field just use it as a selection
for the reports.
I couldn't figure out which property to not allow for creation of records.

The main question I have is how to pass the two values to the form so I
filter the report? When I click the button on this form it says it can't
find the field reportname in my expression.

Private Sub cmdGetReport_Click()

'On Error GoTo Err_
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stFiscalQtr As String

stDocName = [Forms]![frmChooseReport]![ReportName]
stFiscalQtr = [Forms]![frmChooseReport]![FiscalQtr]
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strFilter

End Sub
thanks for all your help, I'm almost done.
opps..bumped send key...sorry....

FilemakerPro_Developer said:
I have a form with two combo box value list fields: reportName, fiscalQtr
The form these fields are on shouldn't store the data.

Ok, so, what this means is that you should not have bound the form to a
table. If the form is not going to enter data, and is just some type of
"interface" form, then you the "term" we use in ms-access is a
"un-bound" form.

Well, the above is a difernt question, and a differnt problem. However, if
we make the form un-bound, and the form is not attahced to a table, then
we really solved this problem anyway.
When I created the
value list
I chose store the value for later use.

Good!!!...the option to store the value for laster use
means that the combo box is un-bound (the other option
you are presetned with is to "store that value in a field".

So, you 100% on the right track for the combo box, but
still seems that your form is bound to a table, and it should
not be. So, you want to fire up the form in desing mode, and
then go

edit->select form (you must do this step if you clicked on
or modifed anything else on the form
this step ensures you are about to
view the properites sheets for the


So, you have to do both steps to display the propdofery sheet for the form
(else, you get the properity sheet for the detail section of the form, or
for the last contorl you were modyfing in desing mode).

Now that the forms properity sheet is dispsyed, select the data tab

The first entry is what the form (table or query) is bound to.
RecordSource: "some table name or query"

Simply erase (blank out) the RecordSource setting

This now means that the form is un-bound, not attched to a table,
and therefore can't enter reords into any table. Of couse, since
there is not table attached, then you licky should click on the
format tab, and get rid of TONS of junk. some things to
get rid of:

scoll bars: none you don't need scollr bars
Record Selecotres: no this is the bar are the left side of a
form/reocrd that you can click on, and then hit
the delect key (or copy...or
wgatever). Since we are a un-bound form..then might
as well set this to no
Navagation Buttions:no again, might as well turn off the navagation
buttions that access puts at the bottom
of each form.

Auto Resize: no you don't need the size of the form chaning on

So, even when a form is un-bound, you still have to manually disoaplbe all
of those
extra features yourself. In fact, for a lot of bound forms, I turn off a
fair amont of
these features.
The main question I have is how to pass the two values to the form so I
filter the report? When I click the button on this form it says it can't
find the field reportname in my expression.
Private Sub cmdGetReport_Click()

'On Error GoTo Err_
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stFiscalQtr As String

stDocName = me.ReportName
stFiscalQtr = "FiscalQtr = " & me.FiscalQtr
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strFilter

End Sub

the above is all you need, but you not given the name of the fiscal qery
field you want to filter on. And, you not mentioned if the fiscalqry field
is number, or text. You have to correct my code based on the answers you

Also, you said you have two selected fields????? In the above I see one
field that is the report, and one field that is the filter value. Am I
miss-understanding you..and you actually want ONE report to be filtered by
two field values????