Passing Recordset of Form to Function



I have a function declared as:
Public Function F_CalculateSales(rst As Recordset, Week_ID As Integer,
Sales_ID As Integer) As Single

I am trying to have a field on a form with the expression:
also tried

This is producing a #Name error, i seem to be unable to pass the recordset
to that public function.

I also tried
also tried

Which is asking me for the value of Recordset or RecordsetClone...

I would like to be able to pass the recordset from the form containing that
field to this function. Is there any way to do that?

I could open a new recordset within the function with the same query, but
that will evaluate for every row and be extremely non-optimized.



Create a function in the form that will pass the parameters to the global
function, and call this function from the text box

Text Box

Function NewFunctionName()
Dim Rs as RecordSet
Set Rs = Me.RecordsetClone
NewFunctionName = F_CalculateSales(Rs,Me.[fk_Week_ID],Me.[fk_Sales_ID])
End Function

Note: I didn't try it, but it's an idea

Jeff L

You might try using the OnCurrent Event for the form.

There you could put
Me.YourFieldName = F_CalculateSales(Me.RecordSource, Me.[fk_Week_ID],

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