Passing new class instance to method



Hi I am trying to access my XmlTextWriter class within a called method, but
am unable to do this. I have initiated the new class within the main method

static void Main
XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(fileName,null);
//lots more code including xml text writing calls
// i then call my method

public static void MyMethod(string text)
tw.WriteStartElement("stuff goes here ect"); //this does not work
//more xml write stuff

How do i use my tw object everywhere?
Thanks for your help

Michael Voss

Matt said:
Hi I am trying to access my XmlTextWriter class within a called method, but
am unable to do this. I have initiated the new class within the main method

static void Main
XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(fileName,null);
//lots more code including xml text writing calls
// i then call my method

So you declared tw inside a static method; whenever you leave that method,
tw is out of scope.
public static void MyMethod(string text)
tw.WriteStartElement("stuff goes here ect"); //this does not work

Certainly, since tw is not visible from here.
//more xml write stuff

How do i use my tw object everywhere?

Declare tw as a static variable of your class (outside any method):

class YourClass
private static XmlTextWriter tw;

// and use it in your Main() method:

static void Main()
// some stuff
tw = new XmlTextWriter(fileName,null);

So tw will be visible in every method of YourClass.

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