Passing a UDF as an argument to a UDF



I'm a bit new to excel VBA and wondered if it is possible to pass a UDF
reference as an argument to a UDF as in:

Sub S1( subReference )
End Sub

Sub S2()
End Sub

Call S1(S2)

If it can not be done cleanly, is there a workaround such as passing
the name of the function as an argument and then somehow evaluating it
inside the UDF?

Thanks for any clues.

Bob Phillips

No, pass a key which is evaluated

Sub S1( idx)
Select Case idx
Case 1 : Call S2
Case 2: Call S3
End Select
End Sub

Sub S2()
End Sub

Call S1(num)


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

Dave Peterson

First, this sounds like it's gonna cause a debugging nightmare, but this worked
for me.

A sub or a function???

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myStr As String
Dim myVar As Variant

myStr = "myFunct"

myVar = Application.Run(myStr, 12)
MsgBox myVar

myStr = "mySub"
Application.Run myStr

End Sub
Function myFunct(myLong As Long) As Long
myFunct = myLong * 3
End Function
Sub mysub()
MsgBox "hi from mysub"
End Sub

I don't think I'd use it.


Thanks Dave, that is what I needed.

As to why, imagine a few hundred tables that must be build where the
code to build differs by only a few parameters AND a single function
that is unique to the table. One could make a general build routine
with a VERY LONG select or simply pass the function by name and run it
as you suggest. Coming from an environment where pointers and
references are generally available, I prefer the Run solution.

Thanks again.

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