Pass a variable from a text box(s) to another textbox



Here is my next question. I have two textboxs TXTRecruitStart and
TXTRecruitEnd. These two are setup when the user "mouse over", a
calendar pops up, they select a date and the date is placed into the
appropriate text box.
I have tried and looked for this answer; How do I pass the number of
days that have lapsed between the two and place that data in a new
textbox TXTTime?




Use this as the Control Source for your TXTTime text box
=DateDiff("d",TXTRecruitEnd, TxtRecruitStart)



Thanks alot! I am very new to this side of the world and have an
understanding of Access etc...but no real working knowledge. I have
found the Excel group to be EXTREMELY helpful in gaining additional
knowledge and I am sure Access will be no different. However; if I am a
newbie with all of this and in the need to learn it...what is probably
the best book(s) to obtain? I have heard several speak of the
developers handbook Access & VBA. But, I am not sure if this will go
over my head quickly. I run v.2003.

Once again thanks!



There are a lot of good books. My favorite is "Access 2002 Desktop
Developer's Handbook" by LItwin, Getz, and Gunderloy. There is not 2003
version; however, the differences are not enough to worry about. It is
published by Sybex (
There is a companion "Access 2002 Desktop Enterprise Handbook" that gets
into really advanced topics.
Both come with a CD that has great examples.

I am sure you will find this site very useful. There are a lot of very
knowledgable people with world class skills that post here regularly. Here
is a link that has a wealth of information. There are too many good sites to
list here, but if you watch this site, you will end up finding most of them

Good luck!



Works great and have all of these working like a charm...Now moving
I am using DLookup on the form which I have working for 4 of my text
boxes. However; I have one that is giving me trouble. I need to loop
back thru a relationship to get to the correct data.
BranchName-TBLBranch, (PK-BranchNumber)
DM - DMStore, (FK-BranchNumber)

But on the form I show the DM name, I thought because I have the
relationship built this would work, but I get #name?
Should I use a hidden text box to pass the branch number from the
DMStore and pick that up? Or can you have a multiple DLookup in the
same control source?

I plan to by the store tonight and pick up the 2 books you recommended.


I need to get branchname from table branch


I would use the hidden text box with the branch number. To use the multiple
DLookups would require using a function.



Thanks For The Help!!!

I would use the hidden text box with the branch number. To use the multiple
DLookups would require using a function.

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