Partitions in Windows XP



I've just purchased a 40GB hard drive for my laptop,
where I have Windows XP installed on a 10GB Hard Drive.
I am confused whether I should partition the 40GB drive
before installation of XP or not. Some info from the KB
indicates XP should not be partitioned as it will slow
down? Can anyone advise me? Thanks! Dan

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


I like to partition, but there is no reason you have to. WinXP will not care
if you do. Why I like to: Install Windows and programs to one partition,
keep data files on a different one. Things go horribly awry and you cannot
recover or correct it, you reformat the installation partition and reinstall
programs, but your data files on the other partition are safe and untouched.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


-----Original Message-----
I've just purchased a 40GB hard drive for my laptop,
where I have Windows XP installed on a 10GB Hard Drive.
I am confused whether I should partition the 40GB drive
before installation of XP or not. Some info from the KB
indicates XP should not be partitioned as it will slow
down? Can anyone advise me? Thanks! Dan
If you install Xp your 40GB hard drive.
Xp takes 1-1,2Gb to your hard drive...and the other
programs...the first partition could be 5GB and the rest
partitions of the hard drive 5-8GB,"the computer find
objects faster if you don`t have too large partitions."

J W Strider

If you install Xp your 40GB hard drive.
Xp takes 1-1,2Gb to your hard drive...and the other
programs...the first partition could be 5GB and the rest
partitions of the hard drive 5-8GB,"the computer find
objects faster if you don`t have too large partitions."

As a matter of sanity-preservation, I always have at least two partitions
on any systme - regardless of the OS. My boot partition has the OS and
programs, while my other partition hold my data. If I have to reinstall the
OS, my data are still there. (OK, I archive my data too but life is easier
if I don't have to copy it back after resurrecting a hosed partition!) HTH

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