


I am using the formulas below to parse the fullname into a FirstName
MiddleInitial and Lastname field. This works great for the fullnames
that have a middle initial, but errors on those names without a middle
initial. How could the formulas be altered to allow for a name without
a middle initial. Thanks to those of you who replyed to my posting
yesterday. I should have been more clear about the input name.


LastName, John Q

(Comma): =FIND(",",A2)
(First Name): =MID(A2,B2+1,FIND(" ",A2, B2)-B2-1)
(Middle Name): =RIGHT(A2,1) & "."
(Last Name): =LEFT(A2,B2-1)

Bob Phillips

(Comma): =FIND(",",A2)
(First Name): =IF(ISERROR(FIND(" ",A2, B2+2)-B2-1),MID(A2,FIND(",
",A2)+1,99),MID(A2,B2+2,FIND(" ",A2, B2+2)-B2-1))
(Middle Name): =IF(ISERROR(FIND(" ",A2, B2+2)-B2-1),"",RIGHT(A2,1) & ".")
(Last Name): =LEFT(A2,B2-1)

Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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