Parsing ASCII file by key words (non-delimited)



I have a 500+ ASCII files that look like:

YEAR: 2005 CLIENT: Bank of Peducah
PROJECT#: 0001 ..............

Basically, a key word followed by text and then an indeterminable amount of
white space, another key word, probably some carraige returns,.... I care
about the first half-page of each file, but some of them are quite long...

Anyone have any code that will loop through the letters, identify the key
words, and plop the text into fields in my Access DB? Any ideas are



Sounds like you need to write a program to open each file and parse the

here is an example you can use as an analogy:


table structure for Companies:

CompID, autonumber
CompCode, text, 10 --> start at 2
Area, text, 10 --> start at 13
Country, text, 8 --> start at 24
IDNum, long integer --> start at 33, 10 places
Company, text, 50 --> start at 44


Function ImportTextFile(pFilename As String, pTablename As String) As Long

'written by Crystal Long
'(e-mail address removed)

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library if you open recordset

' assign this to a command button event
' =ImportFile("c:\path\filename.csv", "Tablename")

' the number of records imported

On Error GoTo ImportTextFile_error

Dim mFileNumber, mLine As String, i As Integer

'you can open a recordset to put values into
Dim r As Recordset
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(pTablename)

'alternately, you could use APPEND queries...

mFileNumber = FreeFile
Open pFilename For Input As #mFileNumber

'skip first two lines
Input #mFileNumber, mLine
Input #mFileNumber, mLine

i = 0
Do While Not EOF(mFileNumber)

Input #mFileNumber, mLine

'remove this line after you get your parsing stuff working right
' If MsgBox(mLine, vbOKCancel, "Line " & i) = vbCancel Then Stop

'put your parsing and assignment statements here
If Mid(mLine, 2, 10) <> "----------" Then
'i is the line number you are on
i = i + 1
r!CompCode = Mid(mLine, 2, 10)
r!Area = Mid(mLine, 13, 10)
r!Country = Mid(mLine, 24, 8)
r!IDNum = CLng(Mid(mLine, 33, 10))
r!Company = Mid(mLine, 44, 34)
End If

Close #mFileNumber
Set r = Nothing

ImportTextFile = i

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " ImportFile: "
& pFilename
'press F8 to step through code and correct problem

End Function

to learn more about the INPUT statement (and related statements),
position your mouse pointer over the word in a module sheet and press F1
for context-sensitive help


here is code to loop through a directory:

Sub LoopThroughDirectory(pFilePath as string)

'strive4peace2006 at yahoo dot com

'pFilePath --> ie: "c:\data\whatever\"
On Error GoTo Proc_Err

Dim mPath As String, mFilename As String

'if path was passed, us it
'otherwise, use database directory folder

if len(trim(nz(pFilePath,""))) 0 then
mPath = trim(pFilePath)
mPath = currentproject.path
end if

'make sure path ends in slash
if right(mPath ,1) <> "\" then
mPath = mPath & "\"
end if

'or *.mdb or ...
mPath= mPath & "*.*"

mFilename = Dir(mPath)
Do While mFilename <> ""

'do something

'get next filename in the directory
mFilename = Dir

On Error Resume Next

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, , _
"ERROR " & Err.Number & " LoopThroughDirectory"
'delete or comment next line out after code is done
Stop: Resume
Resume Proc_Exit
End Sub

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at


Sounds like you need to write a program to open each file and parse the

here is an example you can use as an analogy:


table structure for Companies:

CompID, autonumber
CompCode, text, 10 --> start at 2
Area, text, 10 --> start at 13
Country, text, 8 --> start at 24
IDNum, long integer --> start at 33, 10 places
Company, text, 50 --> start at 44


Function ImportTextFile( _
pFilename As String, _
pTablename As String _
) As Long

'written by Crystal
'strive4peace2006 at yahoo dot com

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library if you open recordset

' assign this to a command button event
' =ImportFile("c:\path\filename.csv", "Tablename")

' the number of records imported

On Error GoTo ImportTextFile_error

Dim mFileNumber, mLine As String, i As Integer

'you can open a recordset to put values into
Dim r As Recordset
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(pTablename)

'alternately, you could use APPEND queries...

mFileNumber = FreeFile
Open pFilename For Input As #mFileNumber

'skip first two lines
Input #mFileNumber, mLine
Input #mFileNumber, mLine

i = 0
Do While Not EOF(mFileNumber)

Input #mFileNumber, mLine

'remove this line after you get your parsing stuff working right
' If MsgBox(mLine, vbOKCancel, "Line " & i) = vbCancel Then Stop

'put your parsing and assignment statements here
If Mid(mLine, 2, 10) <> "----------" Then
'i is the line number you are on
i = i + 1
r!CompCode = Mid(mLine, 2, 10)
r!Area = Mid(mLine, 13, 10)
r!Country = Mid(mLine, 24, 8)
r!IDNum = CLng(Mid(mLine, 33, 10))
r!Company = Mid(mLine, 44, 34)
End If

Close #mFileNumber
Set r = Nothing

ImportTextFile = i

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " ImportFile: "
& pFilename
'press F8 to step through code and correct problem

End Function

to learn more about the INPUT statement (and related statements),
position your mouse pointer over the word in a module sheet and press F1
for context-sensitive help


here is code to loop through a directory:

Sub LoopThroughDirectory( _
pFilePath as string)

'strive4peace2006 at yahoo dot com

'pFilePath --> ie: "c:\data\whatever\"
On Error GoTo Proc_Err

Dim mPath As String, mFilename As String

'if path was passed, us it
'otherwise, use database directory folder

if len(trim(nz(pFilePath,""))) 0 then
mPath = trim(pFilePath)
mPath = currentproject.path
end if

'make sure path ends in slash
if right(mPath ,1) <> "\" then
mPath = mPath & "\"
end if

'or *.mdb or ...
mPath= mPath & "*.*"

mFilename = Dir(mPath)
Do While mFilename <> ""

'do something

'get next filename in the directory
mFilename = Dir

On Error Resume Next

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, , _
"ERROR " & Err.Number & " LoopThroughDirectory"
'delete or comment next line out after code is done
Stop: Resume
Resume Proc_Exit
End Sub


Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at


since you do not know where the text starts, you can use InStr and
InStrRev to find your keywords and set start position for the fields

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at

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