Parsing a Variable into multiple Variables



This is a follow-up to a previous post regarding passing variables that
could contain embedded spaces. Normally this wouldn't be a problem because
I could just enclose a value containing a space within double-quotes.
Because of some problems I am having with the START command - I am having
problems passing in parameters with Double-quotes around it

Let's say we have the following...
SET TestVar=Val1, Val 2 with spaces, Val3

I would like to be able to parse the %TestVar% value into 3 variables using
the comma as a Delimiter. The name of the variables isn't important but
let's say I want them called P1, P2 and P3. I would basically want to parse
it as follows:
P2=Val 2 with spaces

I would think that something like this is doable with the For command but I
can not figure it out.

Thanks in advance,
I have a variable %

Phil Robyn [MVP]

TJT said:
This is a follow-up to a previous post regarding passing variables that
could contain embedded spaces. Normally this wouldn't be a problem because
I could just enclose a value containing a space within double-quotes.
Because of some problems I am having with the START command - I am having
problems passing in parameters with Double-quotes around it

Let's say we have the following...
SET TestVar=Val1, Val 2 with spaces, Val3

I would like to be able to parse the %TestVar% value into 3 variables using
the comma as a Delimiter. The name of the variables isn't important but
let's say I want them called P1, P2 and P3. I would basically want to parse
it as follows:
P2=Val 2 with spaces

I would think that something like this is doable with the For command but I
can not figure it out.

Thanks in advance,
I have a variable %

_V2=Val 2 with spaces

C:\cmd>rlist demo\ParseThreeVariables.cmd
=====begin C:\cmd\demo\ParseThreeVariables.cmd ====================
1. @echo off
2. setlocal
3. SET TestVar=Val1, Val 2 with spaces, Val3
4. for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=," %%a in (
5. "%TestVar%"
6. ) do set _V1=%%a&set _V2=%%b&set _V3=%%c
7. for /l %%a in (2,1,3) do set _V%%a=!_V%%a:~1!
8. set _V
=====end C:\cmd\demo\ParseThreeVariables.cmd ====================

Garry Deane

This is a follow-up to a previous post regarding passing variables that
could contain embedded spaces. Normally this wouldn't be a problem because
I could just enclose a value containing a space within double-quotes.
Because of some problems I am having with the START command - I am having
problems passing in parameters with Double-quotes around it

Let's say we have the following...
SET TestVar=Val1, Val 2 with spaces, Val3

I would like to be able to parse the %TestVar% value into 3 variables using
the comma as a Delimiter. The name of the variables isn't important but
let's say I want them called P1, P2 and P3. I would basically want to parse
it as follows:
P2=Val 2 with spaces

I would think that something like this is doable with the For command but I
can not figure it out.

Thanks in advance,
I have a variable %

Rather than passing a single variable with all the arguments, it would
be simpler to pass the names of the variables:

@echo off
set P1=Val1
set P2=Val 2 with spaces
set P3=Val3
call :sub P1 P2 P3
goto :eof

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set Param1=!%1!
set Param2=!%2!
set Param3=!%3!
set param
goto :eof

Alternately, do you actually need to pass the variables as parameters.
If you are invoking another batch file with the start command, it will
receive the parent's environment including any variables that the
parent has defined.

:: Parent.bat
@echo off
set P1=Val1
set P2=Val 2 with spaces
set P3=Val3
start "test" "d:\test folder\child.bat"
goto :eof

:: d:\test folder\child.bat
@echo off
echo [%p1%] [%p2%] [%p3%]


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