Parent/Owner Form Variable Value?


Bruce D

I have a form that opens up with my application. It acts as the main menu.
Let's just say it looks like this:

Public Class frmStartup
' some other settings
Public UserID As Integer = 0
' a bunch of functions and subs
End Class

Now let's say I have a button click on this form that calls another page
like so (still open in background)
Dim frmBarcode As New frmScan
frmBarcode = Nothing

And let's say the onlything on this new form is another button that calls
yet another so:
Dim frmShowToUser As New frmXX
frmShowToUser = Nothing

My question is if I'm on this last form and I put a button on do I
print out the value of UserID from two forms prior? If I debug the form I
can see the owner.owner.UserID property and it's correct...but how can I
display it. Because I tried:
and it won't let me compile with error: "userid is not a member of

Any ideas?


Imran Koradia

MessageBox.Show(DirectCast(Me.Owner.Owner, frmStartup).UserID)

Is this what you are looking for?


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