parameter prompt on close in AccessXP



I have a form - [forms]![frmSubEvents] with a key field
of [subEventsID] On the form I have two list boxes
pulling related information by subEventID - both with the
parameter of subEventID=[forms]![frmSubEvents]!
[subEventID] within the query data source for the list

Everything works fine, except when I close the form. I am
then prompted with an input parameter query window for
the [forms]![frmSubEvents]![subEventID]. If I remove the
two list boxes, the prompt goes away. But, I really need
the functionality of the list boxes rather than subforms.

I've checked my system to make sure I have the latest
service packs, etc. I've repaired and compacted.

Anybody got a clue?

Sandra Daigle

- Windows XP (Home and Pro)

- Your form has a combo or listbox that has a reference to a control on the
same form in it's criteria

- The form is maximized

- You close the form via a command button. The problem doesn't occur when
you use the Default close button (X).

If you have these same elements in your form I would suspect you are
experiencing the known bug in the following KB Article:

BUG: Enter Parameter Value Dialog Box Appears While Trying to Close a Form


Sandy! Sandy! Sandy! This has been driving me crazy
for days. Thanks so much. It is the bug in the article
your provided. I follow the workaround to turn echo off
and everything is fine.

Thank YOU!

PS I did do a search in the knowledge base
for 'parameter value prompt' but this article wasn't in
the return - strange....

----Original Message-----
- Windows XP (Home and Pro)

- Your form has a combo or listbox that has a reference to a control on the
same form in it's criteria

- The form is maximized

- You close the form via a command button. The problem doesn't occur when
you use the Default close button (X).

If you have these same elements in your form I would suspect you are
experiencing the known bug in the following KB Article:

BUG: Enter Parameter Value Dialog Box Appears While Trying to Close a Form

Sandra Daigle
[Microsoft Access MVP]
For the benefit of others please post all replies to this newsgroup.

I have a form - [forms]![frmSubEvents] with a key field
of [subEventsID] On the form I have two list boxes
pulling related information by subEventID - both with the
parameter of subEventID=[forms]![frmSubEvents]!
[subEventID] within the query data source for the list

Everything works fine, except when I close the form. I am
then prompted with an input parameter query window for
the [forms]![frmSubEvents]![subEventID]. If I remove the
two list boxes, the prompt goes away. But, I really need
the functionality of the list boxes rather than subforms.

I've checked my system to make sure I have the latest
service packs, etc. I've repaired and compacted.

Anybody got a clue?


Sandra Daigle

Hi Janet,

I'm glad this solved the mystery for you! I initially encountered this
problem right after WinXP was released and spent many hours redoing forms to
get rid of the error. Once I finally pinned down the circumstances under
which the problem occurred I knew how to avoid it. But what a nuisance it
was until then!

Regarding the KB search - you can find this article under your search
critera but it is not in the first 25 articles so to see it, you have to go
to the main search page and change the results limit to 100 articles
(actually I think 50 would do it).

Sandra Daigle
[Microsoft Access MVP]
For the benefit of others please post all replies to this newsgroup.

Sandy! Sandy! Sandy! This has been driving me crazy
for days. Thanks so much. It is the bug in the article
your provided. I follow the workaround to turn echo off
and everything is fine.

Thank YOU!

PS I did do a search in the knowledge base
for 'parameter value prompt' but this article wasn't in
the return - strange....

----Original Message-----
- Windows XP (Home and Pro)

- Your form has a combo or listbox that has a reference to a control
on the same form in it's criteria

- The form is maximized

- You close the form via a command button. The problem doesn't occur
when you use the Default close button (X).

If you have these same elements in your form I would suspect you are
experiencing the known bug in the following KB Article:

BUG: Enter Parameter Value Dialog Box Appears While Trying to Close
a Form Window

Sandra Daigle
[Microsoft Access MVP]
For the benefit of others please post all replies to this newsgroup.

I have a form - [forms]![frmSubEvents] with a key field
of [subEventsID] On the form I have two list boxes
pulling related information by subEventID - both with the
parameter of subEventID=[forms]![frmSubEvents]!
[subEventID] within the query data source for the list

Everything works fine, except when I close the form. I am
then prompted with an input parameter query window for
the [forms]![frmSubEvents]![subEventID]. If I remove the
two list boxes, the prompt goes away. But, I really need
the functionality of the list boxes rather than subforms.

I've checked my system to make sure I have the latest
service packs, etc. I've repaired and compacted.

Anybody got a clue?


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