Parameter Box Pops up Twice



In one of our queries we have a parameter set to enter a project number, but
we would also like to have the date sorted as well. We put a decsending sort
on the date column and now the project number parameter box pops up twice.
How can we get the box to only pop up once?


In one of our queries we have a parameter set to enter a project number, but
we would also like to have the date sorted as well. We put a decsending sort
on the date column and now the project number parameter box pops up twice.
How can we get the box to only pop up once?

Crystal ball is in for repairs today.
Would you care to post the query SQL?

Gary Walter

Hi ernie,

It sounds like you applied the sort
to the column while viewing the query
results (datasheet view).

This is a common reason for the
parameter box to pop up twice.

While looking at results, go up to
top menu and click on Records/Remove Filter/Sort.

Then open your query in Design mode,
and in the grid column under the date field,
set Sort there.

good luck,


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