pages not fully loading



Lately some pages are not fully loading/opening. Most of
the regular content on the page will load, but there are
these other rectangular sections that have a "Action
cancelled" error on it. It may also say "Internet
Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you
requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable."
And sometimes it just has the little white square with
the red x in it. I know that's for images/graphics, but
I'm able to view any pictures and images in the main
portion of the page.
I 've experimented with all the usual settings like the
Privacy level for cookies, security level, emptied my
cache etc...
I also disabled my Macafee Virus scan and firewall, and
still the same situation. I have a feeling that these
unopened "sub-pages" are probably just advertising, but
it still is bothering me why all of a sudden this is
Maybe someone else has had a similar experience, or knows
what it may be. As always, any insight would be
appreciated. You guys have helped me out before!


If you have a HOSTS file, rename it temporarily to see if that's the reason.
If you didn't intentionally put a HOSTS file on your computer, possibly some
other software did. Search for "HOSTS" (no extension). It should be in all
capital letters. If you have a HOSTS file, you can open it with Notepad or a
text editor to see what it contains.

Otherwise, I believe that is probably a bug in the SP1 update for IE6. I
visit some websites where the IE6 status bar continues to say "loading..."
even though the site has already loaded into IE6. Here's an example:
I've seen that symptom for a long time... I had it with W98se/IE6 after
updating to the SP1 patch. Now I've got the same thing on a new XP Home
computer after updating with the SP1 patch. I don't know what causes it, but
believe they need to debug their SP1 patch!

| Lately some pages are not fully loading/opening. Most of
| the regular content on the page will load, but there are
| these other rectangular sections that have a "Action
| cancelled" error on it. It may also say "Internet
| Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you
| requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable."
| And sometimes it just has the little white square with
| the red x in it. I know that's for images/graphics, but
| I'm able to view any pictures and images in the main
| portion of the page.
| I 've experimented with all the usual settings like the
| Privacy level for cookies, security level, emptied my
| cache etc...
| I also disabled my Macafee Virus scan and firewall, and
| still the same situation. I have a feeling that these
| unopened "sub-pages" are probably just advertising, but
| it still is bothering me why all of a sudden this is
| happening.
| Maybe someone else has had a similar experience, or knows
| what it may be. As always, any insight would be
| appreciated. You guys have helped me out before!
| Thanks


Dear Euc1id,
Thank you, and thank you and oh yea...thank you!!!!
I have been going nuts the last few days trying to figure
out why this was happening. Well I found my HOSTS file,
and it was full of DNS mappings. It looks like it has
something to do with Kazaa Lite. Just before the mappings
it says:
"#BEGIN of KL Supertrick (August 26th 2003)"
Below that is about 300 site mappings, for example:
etc. etc...
I don't understand how/why these mappings would affect
page loading as it did, but I don't care as long as it's
working properly now. I certainly would never have
thought about checking my HOSTS file, and I consider
myself somewhat of a computer "expert" ;-).
Thanks again for your help, please be assured that it is
greatly appreciated.


Lately some pages are not fully loading/opening. Most of
the regular content on the page will load, but there are
these other rectangular sections that have a "Action
cancelled" error on it. It may also say "Internet
Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you
requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable."
And sometimes it just has the little white square with
the red x in it. I know that's for images/graphics, but
I'm able to view any pictures and images in the main
portion of the page.
I 've experimented with all the usual settings like the
Privacy level for cookies, security level, emptied my
cache etc...
I also disabled my Macafee Virus scan and firewall, and
still the same situation. I have a feeling that these
unopened "sub-pages" are probably just advertising, but
it still is bothering me why all of a sudden this is
Maybe someone else has had a similar experience, or knows
what it may be. As always, any insight would be
appreciated. You guys have helped me out before!



"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game
because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from
-- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_


You're welcome. Glad it worked for you. For more info about the HOSTS file,
here's a popular link:
I've been using their HOSTS file for several years, works OK if you
understand the pitfalls.

Some software such as SpyBot-Search & Destroy will put a HOSTS file on your
computer, perhaps Kazaa too although I'm not familiar with it.

There are a couple of other downsides...

It can cause a delay. I'm experiencing a 1-3 minute delay when I first
connect to my dialup ISP while my new Windows XP Home op system reads the
HOSTS file before it allows a connection. After the first website connects,
there are no further delays during that dialup session. I didn't have that
long initial delay with my old W98se computer. Obviously it's a problem
related to Windows XP, and I haven't found a solution yet. Not a big
problem, just a small irritation... :)

Another problem is that the Windows Update site recently started using one
of the akamai domains that is blocked by the popular HOSTS file mentioned
above, and by the SpyBot-Search & Destroy version of it. So you can't get
updates from Windows Update unless that particular mapping is removed or
commented out of the HOSTS file. The culprit line was:

# (Windows update uses this one!)

Otherwise, I wouldn't be without a HOSTS file, because of all the
ad-blocking it does. It produces a lot of red X's in webpages, but I know
they're just advertisements 99.9% of the time. I can live with the 1 time in
1000 that it causes a problem.

Finally, here's a little utility that will allow you to name/rename the
HOSTS file easily. So if there's ever a problem and you want to rename it
temporarily, to see if it's the cause, this is the easiest way to do it:

| Dear Euc1id,
| Thank you, and thank you and oh yea...thank you!!!!
| I have been going nuts the last few days trying to figure
| out why this was happening. Well I found my HOSTS file,
| and it was full of DNS mappings. It looks like it has
| something to do with Kazaa Lite. Just before the mappings
| it says:
| "#BEGIN of KL Supertrick (August 26th 2003)"
| Below that is about 300 site mappings, for example:
| etc. etc...
| I don't understand how/why these mappings would affect
| page loading as it did, but I don't care as long as it's
| working properly now. I certainly would never have
| thought about checking my HOSTS file, and I consider
| myself somewhat of a computer "expert" ;-).
| Thanks again for your help, please be assured that it is
| greatly appreciated.
| Rob
| >-----Original Message-----
| >If you have a HOSTS file, rename it temporarily to see
| if that's the reason.
| >If you didn't intentionally put a HOSTS file on your
| computer, possibly some
| >other software did. Search for "HOSTS" (no extension).
| It should be in all
| >capital letters. If you have a HOSTS file, you can open
| it with Notepad or a
| >text editor to see what it contains.
| >
| >Otherwise, I believe that is probably a bug in the SP1
| update for IE6. I
| >visit some websites where the IE6 status bar continues
| to say "loading..."
| >even though the site has already loaded into IE6. Here's
| an example:
| >
| >I've seen that symptom for a long time... I had it with
| W98se/IE6 after
| >updating to the SP1 patch. Now I've got the same thing
| on a new XP Home
| >computer after updating with the SP1 patch. I don't know
| what causes it, but
| >believe they need to debug their SP1 patch!
| >--
| >Euc1id
| >
| >| >| Lately some pages are not fully loading/opening. Most
| of
| >| the regular content on the page will load, but there
| are
| >| these other rectangular sections that have a "Action
| >| cancelled" error on it. It may also say "Internet
| >| Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you
| >| requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable."
| >| And sometimes it just has the little white square with
| >| the red x in it. I know that's for images/graphics, but
| >| I'm able to view any pictures and images in the main
| >| portion of the page.
| >| I 've experimented with all the usual settings like the
| >| Privacy level for cookies, security level, emptied my
| >| cache etc...
| >| I also disabled my Macafee Virus scan and firewall, and
| >| still the same situation. I have a feeling that these
| >| unopened "sub-pages" are probably just advertising, but
| >| it still is bothering me why all of a sudden this is
| >| happening.
| >| Maybe someone else has had a similar experience, or
| knows
| >| what it may be. As always, any insight would be
| >| appreciated. You guys have helped me out before!
| >| Thanks
| >|
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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