Pages Breaking Out of Frames



I create a hyperlink and specify the frame page I want the new page to appear
in. Generally this is the main page. (using a banner and left side bar) So
far I have no difficulty with anything coming from the side bar, but when I
ask to overwrite the main page the new page breaks out of the frame and
nothing ever links back in. How do I get the "main frame" to stay as the
target in the hyperlink menu? I would appreciate any input on this. Thank you.

Rick Budde


You are using terminology in your question that is not in
Front Page terms and thus it is difficult to determine
your problem cirmcumstances. Specifically:

1. "specify the frame page I want the new page to appear
in". There is no frames page per se just a frameset in
which other pages are dsiplayed.
2. "when I ask to overwrite the main page the new page
breaks out". Perhaps I am a little slow this morning but
the terms "overwrite the main page" and "new page breaks
out" don't convey your problem to me.
3. "main frame". Are you talking about the "contents"
frame in a banner and contents frameset?

I would suggest you look at Front Page help for "About
Frames" where Front Page defines its terms. Then come
back here and try to describe your problem using the
Front Page terms. At that point, I sure someone will be
able to assist you.

:>-----Original Message-----


Check that the targets in the links are pointing to the correct frame name -
this is CaSe sensitive as well as requiring accurate spelling.

A typical link should be similar to:
<a href="pagename.htm" target="Main"> where pagename.htm is the file being
linked to, and Main is the name of the frame it is to be displayed in.

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