Page width


Mark K

I am creating a new web and want the page with "fixed" so
that it views the same in 800x600 and 1024x768. I don't
want anything to wrap. It should appear full screen in
800x600 but have small boarders on the sides in 1024x768.
What is the best and easiest way of accomplishing this???


Mark K

Thomas A. Rowe

A fixed width table set 750 pixels.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


How do I insert my entire page into a table??? The page is
already created and looks like I want it at 800x600. Is
there a way to copy and insert a page into a table on a
new page? Or can I add some table code at the top of my
existing page?

Thomas A. Rowe

How easy depends on how you have the current page structured.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Rick Budde

1. Add a table either above or below your current content,
2. Highlight the current content and then Ctrl+C to copy
it (not Cut in case you make some mistakes),
3. Ctrl+V to paste it into the table,
4. Make any small adjustments you need,
5. Once you are satisified, delete the "extra" content.

One other thing: set the properties of the table to be
centered on screen. This way you will get the "small
boarders (or even borders) on the sides" as you specifed
in your post.

Cut the current

Mark K

How do I insert my entire page into a table??? The page is
already created and looks like I want it at 800x600. Is
there a way to copy and insert a page into a table on a
new page? Or can I add some table code at the top of my
existing page?

Mark K

There were way too many tables and cells for me to just
copy and paste what I had into a new table created
underneath on the original but I did find some kind of
solution but there is a bit of a problem with it. I
entered the code

<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
<tr><td width="100%">

just under the body tag. This placed the entire page in a
750pxl table. Looks great in 1024x768 but in 800x600 there
is a scrollbar on the bottom of the page. About 1/4" of
the page is cut off on the right and you need to scroll to
move it on screen. I reduced the pixels to 700 but it
still cuts it ever so slightly and give you a scroll bar.
Is there some way to fix this??? This did exactly what I
wanted except for the slight scroll in 800x600

Thanks Mark

Mark K

There were way too many tables and cells for me to just
copy and paste what I had into a new table created
underneath on the original but I did find some kind of
solution but there is a bit of a problem with it. I
entered the code

<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
<tr><td width="100%">

just under the body tag. This placed the entire page in a
750pxl table. Looks great in 1024x768 but in 800x600 there
is a scrollbar on the bottom of the page. About 1/4" of
the page is cut off on the right and you need to scroll to
move it on screen. I reduced the pixels to 700 but it
still cuts it ever so slightly and give you a scroll bar.
Is there some way to fix this??? This did exactly what I
wanted except for the slight scroll in 800x600

Thanks Mark

Tom J

Mark K said:
There were way too many tables and cells for me to just
copy and paste what I had into a new table created
underneath on the original but I did find some kind of
solution but there is a bit of a problem with it. I
entered the code

<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
<tr><td width="100%">

just under the body tag. This placed the entire page in a
750pxl table. Looks great in 1024x768 but in 800x600 there
is a scrollbar on the bottom of the page. About 1/4" of
the page is cut off on the right and you need to scroll to
move it on screen. I reduced the pixels to 700 but it
still cuts it ever so slightly and give you a scroll bar.
Is there some way to fix this??? This did exactly what I
wanted except for the slight scroll in 800x600

Just reduce the width by 10 pixels at the time until you lose the scroll
bar. I have some table sites set at 624 so they will print to any printer
without losing the right side.

Tom J


This means you have content (probably an image or a row of images, but could
be one of your tables) that is wider than 750px.
You can safely change the width of the surrounding table to 760px (but no
more than that). If that does not remove the scroll bar, search for the
offending wide object(s), and find some way to reduce them.


Or show us the code.


Ronx said:
This means you have content (probably an image or a row of images, but
could be one of your tables) that is wider than 750px.
You can safely change the width of the surrounding table to 760px (but no
more than that). If that does not remove the scroll bar, search for the
offending wide object(s), and find some way to reduce them.

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