Page file size & Safe mode Query!



During boot time defrag of Page file (using Disk keeper 9.0 pro), it displays
a message that “File not fragmented but needs approx 1500 more clusters.â€

What does that technically signify?

At the moment, is set at a default value of 768-1532 MB.

Hard drive is formatted using NTFS, with 4K clusters.

Tech. support suggested to manually increase the page file. I did increase
it to 800-1600 MB, but the same message was displayed.

One of the tech guys suggested that increasing both, the min & max to the
same values. I haven’t tried that. Rather I have emailed him again waiting to
see what he actually means, because it is confusing for having the min. &
max. Set at the same values?

Even with the message, my OS is working smooth as silk, error free.

Another query, why do most people suggest running antivirus, anti spy ware
soft wares in safe mode? Is it because of the least number of back ground
services running in that mode OR running in real time has a chance of
damaging/ corrupting system files by the soft wares scan engine? Just a gut


PS: I apologize about my command on English & knowledge about computers.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Not sure why you would get that sort of message, but it's probably specific
to Diskkeeper and how it's queerying the pagefile size. Frankly, I wouldn't
worry about it unless you are low on disk space. You might try simply
disabling the virtual memory, then rebooting and restarting it (after which
you will need to reboot once more). This would clear any corruption in the
existing pagefile.sys.

Do not set the min and max to the same size - if you choose too small a size
you will wind up with 'out of memory' errors. If you are not satisfied with
using the system defaults (why aren't you?), then use a minimum equivalent
to the amount of virtual memory normally in use by the system (to do this
requires that you monitor the pagefile during normal operation for a time),
and maximum as large as allowed.

Why run scans in safe mode? It has nothing to do with protecting the system
file set. The reason this is recommended is that many programs, viruses,
bugs, etc. resist removal while in resident memory (active) - some actively
block themselves from detection and removal, you think you're clean but
you're not. Booting to safe mode minimizes the amount of junk that loads
into active memory so the scanners can more effectively do their job.
Personally, I like to boot a BartPE disk and not load Windows at all to do
active scanning and removal.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Hello Mr. Rick,

Thanks for your response.

Regarding scanning in safe mode, you eloquently clarified my doubts. The
importance is the viruses, spy wares residing in the memory could be
identified, which at time cannot be in real time.
System file damage cannot occur by scan engines…..thanks again.

Secondly about Page file as I earlier wrote the OS is running trouble free,
with no warning of low disk space. Rather I have ample free space available.

You wrote:

“You might try simply
disabling the virtual memory, then rebooting and restarting it (after which
you will need to reboot once more). This would clear any corruption in the
existing pagefile.sys. “

Should this be done to check the integrity of my OS’s page file?

I am satisfied with the default settings, but when I saw the displayed
message, that page is not fragmented but needs approx 1500 more clusters,
that is when I thought about changing it.

I would have posted a shot of task manger showing the performance of page
file, total physical memory, Commit charge, Kernel memory & their subsets.
But sadly there is no facility of posting attachments!

Thanks any how!


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Frankly, if you are not actually experiencing any performance problems, I
would simply ignore Diskkeeper's message. Rather than fix the integrity of
the pagefile, it's easy just to restart it cleanly by disabling/enabling
virtual memory.

By the by, images are wholly unnecessary if the description is accurate, and
there are many who frown on attachments. You can post them if you access
these groups via a newsreader rather than the web interface. I wrote a short
page on this here:

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

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