
I have IBM laptop 2 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB hdd. From like a week I’m
having error message when I log on into Windows. “the page file is to small,
size of that is maybe bigger than you configured†– or something like that,
and right after that I’ve message that there is no space on drive, but when
I’m going to properties of drive C there is like 40 GB available space. How
to fix that issue and what cause that problem? I didn’t install any new
program for like 2 weeks and I have that issue for a week. Some virus can
cause that issue??


ok, i red that ad checked for that and i have 2 page on my system. should i
removed one?


Simply open system properties,advanced,virtual memory,performance,page
file button,select "let system manage" from the custom setting its now
set 2X Close out,a restart should be prompted.


kabucek said:
ok, i red that ad checked for that and i have 2 page on my system.
should i removed one?

If you're not savvy with Virtual Memory use, then yes, you definitly should.
Is there any reason you know of that you might need/want two page files?

Remove the one on the drive that is NOT your boot drive.

On the boot drive, set that one to Let System Manage Size or whatever the
wording is. XP is pretty good that way and forcing sizes isn't a good idea
unless you're aware of what is going on. So let windows set the page file
size on the boot disk.

I believe you also have to click "Set" before the settings will take, so
remember to do that beofre you click on OK.


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