Page & Control Scaling?



Hello Everyone!

I am curious if anyone has done anything so automate the scaling of controls
based on screen resolution. In my case I have a minimum screen res of
1024x768 for my page size, which I designed to, but I know a lot of people
are now using 1280+ and am looking for any examples of ways to in code behind
do something like this.

if (screen.width < 1024)
string controlwidth = screen.width.value / 30%
contol1.width = controlwidth

I know this is very crude but has anyone seen something that can do this on
the web? I have a couple of controls and tables that I am using that have
assigned sizes that I would like to change on the fly if possible!

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Dewright,

As for the auto adjusting Control's size according to clientside's Screen
Size question, here are some of my suggetions:

For WebApplication, client user visit the application through webbrowser
and most browsers provide some interfaces for retrieving clientside
environment info. And screenSize is one of them, however since this is a
clientside setting ,we need at least one round trip to the clientside to
gather this info. Also, I've found that we've discussed this question in a
former thread, and I've mentioend a means that use a central information
gather page(or an httphandler), all the session that dosn't contains clietn
screen size info will be redirected to that page/handler first. How do you
think of it?

#Control Scaling???


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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