Page Cannot Be Displayed


UofM Student

First, let me point out that I do have a working IP address, I've released,
and renewed, and I have rebooted several times.

When opening internet explorer, I always get a "page cannot be displayed"
error. I have autodetect settings on and no proxies. When I try to go to a
site like The same error comes up along with the page url
being changed to:

Is this familiar to anyone? Does anyone know of a fix for it. I have
uninstalled and reinstalled - NO DICE. I installed netscape and that works,
but I don't want to use that. I would like it very much for my IE version 6
to work on my WinXP Pro. laptop. (extra info: I am using an IBM thinkpad


I am also having the same problem for IE 6.0 on Windows
2000. I am using a proxy. I am on the internet. Just cant
browse any websites. I tried reinstalling 3 times. no
avial. Netscape works, Mozillia works. How do i fix this

NOTE: when using lotus notes i am able to browse the web
using its intergrated internet explorer browser.

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