Page Caching?


John M


I have inherited the maintenance of an application written for ASP.Net that
uses an IHTTPModule class to log requests for .htm web pages to a database.
On our LAN the web app functions properly.

Once deployed to our client, the web app does not function properly. In some
(pages affected differ between different browsers at different locations) ,
requests do not make it to the web server. Pages are received by browsers
(external to
the client's LAN) but a request is never received by the IHTTPModule class.
It appears
caching is occuring somewhere. We have tried emptying the browser caches but
we get the same results.

What could be causing this? IIS? ASP.Net? Some unknown proxy server sitting

Any help would be appreciated.


L. L.


When you are talking about different browsers, do you mean IE and Netscape?
I suggest all users use IE.



Well I guess the HTM pages are not handled by ASP.NET
engine .. register the .htm Extension with aspnet ISAPI .


John M

It turned out to be the cache-control settings. It appears the default for
..HTM is public. To fix, we changed it to no-cache.

The settings only affected us because there was an ISA server sitting in
front of the webserver that was caching outgoing pages. So requests were not
hitting the web server.

Since we have no such server in our development environmet, we were unable
to reproduce the symptoms in our own testing. I was able to discover the
problem by using a tool to view the http content headers when requesting a
page from the production site.

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