Page Break in Access Report



How do I get rid of the last page break in a report? The last page of my
report is always followed by a blank page.

Tom Wickerath

Hi CC,

How many pages is your report? If it is normally only one page, then the
last page would be page 2. One possible cause of this symptom is having a
report that is too wide. For example, if you are printing Portrait, on 8 1/2"
X 11" paper, the following applies:

8.5 <= Left Margin + Report Width + Right Margin

If your report is more than one page of data, and the sum of the above
three settings is greater than 8.5 inches, then the classic symptom will be a
blank page after each page of data. In other words, a report that is normally
3 printed pages would be 6 pages, with pages 2, 4 and 6 being blank.

Similarly, if the sum of the heights of each section plus the top and bottom
margin exceed the height available (11.5 inches for Portrait or 6.5 inches
for Landscape orientation), then you will get extra blank pages. This may
appear as just one blank page if your report is normally only one page of

Is the Report Footer section too large? This section prints only once, at
the end of the report.

Less likely, but still a possibility: you may have a Pagebreak control
inserted somewhere within your report. This can be difficult to find if your
report includes lots of controls. Try running the database documentor (Tools
| Analyze | Documentor). Select just the report in question. In the
Options... section, make sure you have Properties selected in the upper area,
and Names and Properties selected in the lower window. After the
documentation is completed, export the report (File | Export...) choosing
Rich Text in the Save as type dropdown at the bottom of the export dialog
box. You can open this rich text document in Word, and use <Ctrl><F> to
search for 118. A page break has a control type = 118. If you find it, you
should see the corresponding Left and Top properties as well. This is an easy
test to determine if you have a hidden page break control buried somewhere
within the report.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


The report is only 5 pages long. This report is actually a mailing that goes
out to customers. There is a page break for each customer letter (1 pager).
However, the last printed page has the header just like all the other pages,
but no data as there are no other records to be pulled for the report.

Tom Wickerath

Hi CC,
There is a page break for each customer letter

If your page break is strategically placed in a customer footer section,
then Access is faithfully doing what you asked it to do. You should not need
page breaks at all. Select the Customer header section with the Properties
dialog displayed (View | Properties or use the F4 button to toggle). The name
of the section should be displayed in the blue title bar of the Properties
dialog. On the Format tab, the first property is Force New Page. Try
selecting Before Section to see if this gives you the desired results.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


That did it! THANKS!

Tom Wickerath said:
Hi CC,

If your page break is strategically placed in a customer footer section,
then Access is faithfully doing what you asked it to do. You should not need
page breaks at all. Select the Customer header section with the Properties
dialog displayed (View | Properties or use the F4 button to toggle). The name
of the section should be displayed in the blue title bar of the Properties
dialog. On the Format tab, the first property is Force New Page. Try
selecting Before Section to see if this gives you the desired results.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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