P/Invoke problem




Is it possible to set path to dll from which I import? The problem is
that if I know the path I can use it in DllImport attribute but I need
to parametrize this path (this parameter is read when application
starts). E.g.:

string dllPath = ...; // Read when app starts



Mattias Sjögren

Is it possible to set path to dll from which I import?

Not really, but you can manually load the DLL from the correct path
using the LoadLibrary Win32 API before calling any of its exported




I tryed but didn't work. Maybe problem is in type of dll. Dll was
written in ANSI C in 16 bit mode (3'rd party which I have to use and
have no other choice).

I will try your suggestion once more. Thank you.

Mattias Sjögren

I tryed but didn't work. Maybe problem is in type of dll. Dll was
written in ANSI C in 16 bit mode (3'rd party which I have to use and
have no other choice).

OK so that's an entirely different problem. AFAIK you can't directly
load and call into a 16-bit DLL when running a 32-bit process. It
requires some thunking or IPC.


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