OWC Pivot approach



Been searching all day through the web and many groups like this and
there seems to be a diaspora of mix match information;

This is what I am trying to do;

I have a vb class called clsPivotCreate. I am trying to create my
pivot table here and then on the aspx page have this created pivot

Where I am loosing it; Is i can create a pivot table in VB.net no
problem s (reference to the OWC commands) but what I can seem to work
out is how to then translate that in my page.

I am probably missing something obvious so any help, especilaly code
samples most welcomed.

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

the pivot table you are creating is server side. There is no way to show
that on the client. What you will need to do is embed an owc pivot table
object in the client and point its datasource to your data.

Alvin Bruney
Shameless author plug
Excel Services for .NET is coming...
OWC Black Book www.lulu.com/owc
Professional VSTO 2005 - Wrox/Wiley

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

Yes, build a class with a reference to the context object and then you can
say in methods

public void load method()
context.response.write("<object>pivot object tag goes here</object>");

public void filter()
context.response.write("document.all.pivottable_id = do something

Alvin Bruney
Shameless author plug
Excel Services for .NET is coming...
OWC Black Book www.lulu.com/owc
Professional VSTO 2005 - Wrox/Wiley

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