Overwrite Without Prompt



I have done the suggestion below but it still prompts me
to verify the overwrite on each file.

Insert into the first line of the macro "SetWarnings" with
the value set to
FALSE. This will turn off all messages. Then turn it
back to TRUE at the
end of the macro or else you wont see any messages
generated by Access.


Kelvin Lu

Sorry. The true/false option is for when you use VBA. I am not sure why
you would still get the error message if you have this in your macro. Is
the message an Access message or a windows message. You said you were
overwiring some files. If this is a windows' message, you can't turn it
off. If you know the names of the files, you can use VBA to delete the file
first that way you won't get the windows message about overwiritng a file.


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