Overdue Intro


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Well, i figured its about time to introduce myself to you all as i just realised that i have posted over 40 time now. Hope you dont think that i am rude!?

A quick bit about myself, Well i play to many games on the PS2 and Xbox, and now the pc. Only got into the whole pc thing around the beginning of last year. (Sorry if thats bad!) but now that i have, i am enjoying the learning curve that comes with it.

My only regret is not finding this site earlier, coz it would have saved me some time in the past.

Thanks for the help that i have got in the past and in the future too! :D

Oh yeah, and you seen to be friendly and know your stuff too!
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Yeah welcome to the site Vanilla hope you have been enjoying it...
Glad you've enjoyed your stay so far Vanilla :D

I must confess, I've only played on a PS2/XBox a handful of times at a mates house - I'm useless at it ;) Did think about getting a PS2 a few days ago, as they have plummeted in price now!
A friend of mines got the new small one, man their small!! I got the original big fella, but the small one, i'd lose it!!!
They are good, have to say tho, i think i am being slowly converted to the xbox, They seem to be the way forward, although i am playin a lot of games on the pc now. H/L2 and Far Cry are so good!
Cheers PSD, I must say, when i registered i didnt really think i would post as much as i have been, I would have put more thought into it! :rolleyes: But you all seemed cool, so i decided to hang around! :)

Yeah i'm still here, Alf! Reading and learning! (Tryin to anyway!)
Did i mention i like a drink too!!!??

Remember pint for the fella, wine or fruit based drink for the ladies!! As said by the pub landlord Al Murray!!

now about vanilla, i didnt rearlise untill last week that in mcdonalds they do both banana milkshake and VANILLA!!

well........im loving it.............mmmmmmmmmmmm

Fruit based drink for the ladies? Oh no no... make mine a Guinness ;)
I am new here too, joined in March 2002 :D I also liked it here so much that I decided to stick around :)

Glad to know you are enjoying your stay, that makes two of us!
Vanilla Radio said:
Cheers PSD, I must say, when i registered i didnt really think i would post as much as i have been, I would have put more thought into it! :rolleyes: But you all seemed cool, so i decided to hang around! :)

Yeah i'm still here, Alf! Reading and learning! (Tryin to anyway!)

Hi there V-R, glad you've decided to hang about with us.

I never thought I'd post as much as I have either. This is the first forum I ever participated in, and I really like it here, and have found such great people, and also learned lots of stuff. Some of the folks here have even helped me get my own site and forum up and running (thanks guys). :) :) :)
Thanks for the warm welcome all!

Bex you drink Guinness!? I like a lady who dosent stick to the rules!! ;)

Hope i can learn lots from you all!

Hi there V-R, glad you've decided to hang about with us

V-R, hmm..... i like that.
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