Outside linking to custom show



This is purely a research question, since I do not need this technique yet,
but it would be nice to have on file for when I do.

Basically, what I'm asking is -- can Presentation A link to a custom show in
Presentation B? I would prefer to do this without any modification to
Presentation B (other than previously set-up custom shows), and be done with
a single mouse click. I haven't been able to find any character the works
with custom shows the way linking to a specified slide does (#).

The only way I have been able to figure out to do this, so far, is to:
In Presentation A (A.ppt) --
-create object with hyperlink to a new slide in B.ppt

In Presentation B (B.ppt)
-set up custom show in advance
-add new slide (as referenced above)
-hide the slide so it does not interfere with normal use of B.ppt
-insert an object on slide
-action settings to hyperlink to desired custom show
-add event trapping PowerPoint add-in
-use VBA to program a 'mouse click' on the object when slide becomes
This is an extraordinarily ugly solution, requiring a lot of modification
to B.ppt. Of course, I could create a C.ppt of the custom show within
B.ppt, but where is the fun in that?

Does PP 2003 allow for linking to custom shows that reside within external
Does anyone know of a better technique to do this?
Or is this something for the "Hey Bill" file?

Or maybe I should adjust the dosage until these questions stop popping into
my head ... (g)

Shyam Pillai

Interesting question.
You can run a custom show within a presentation via VBA

Dim oPres As Presentation
Set oPres = Presentations.Open("F:\Temp\sss.pps", True, False, False)
With oPres.SlideShowSettings
.RangeType = ppShowNamedSlideShow
.SlideShowName = "MyShow" 'Show name
End With

It is also possible to invoke a custom show within a presentation with the
following command

Call ActivePresentation.FollowHyperlink("", "MyShow")

But this doesn't work from an external commandline call. It does however
start at the 1st slide of the custom show but displays that slide and slides
following it and not the custom show slides. <filepath>#myshow fails for
that reason.

I'll see what I come up with.

Shyam Pillai

Toolbox for PowerPoint

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