output question



hi can i output to the console
if i have a windows app
if so....can you show me sample how


Marc Gravell

If it is compiled as a windows exe then no; the "I have a console" is
part of the PE header, and you can't re-enable it after the exe has
started. You can, however, create a console exe that then chooses to
show a windows form; in this case, yes: you can write to the console.
The downside is that you can't get rid of the console until the exe
dies. Try building as a console exe; see if it does what you need...


Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]

Marc Gravell said:
If it is compiled as a windows exe then no; the "I have a console" is
part of the PE header, and you can't re-enable it after the exe has
started. You can, however, create a console exe that then chooses to
show a windows form; in this case, yes: you can write to the console.
The downside is that you can't get rid of the console until the exe
dies. Try building as a console exe; see if it does what you need...

Well, sort of. If you don't have the console flag set, you can still create
and use a console (AllocConsole API call), but you won't be using the same
console as your parent process, it will be a brand new one.

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