

Goat Granny

Outlook stopped working, getting message : Faulting application outlook.exe,
version, faulting module ntdll.dll,version 5.1.2500.2180, fault
address 0x000106c3. Everything i have tried to get it to working again
isn't....anyone got any ideas, please.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Outlook-specific newsgroups include:



Outlook stopped working, getting message : Faulting application outlook.exe,
version, faulting module ntdll.dll,version 5.1.2500.2180, fault
address 0x000106c3. Everything i have tried to get it to working again
isn't....anyone got any ideas, please.

Why ask HERE? Do you see the word OUTLOOK in this group's title? NO.

Ask elsewhere

Still learning

Gurney said:
Why ask HERE? Do you see the word OUTLOOK in this group's title? NO.

Ask elsewhere

You don't need to be so damn rude about it...moron!

Doug W.

Gurney said:
So elequent. The best you can do is resort to name calling.
sad, really.
Your not so eloquent, (spelled correctly), and even sadder
replies are unnecessary...please resist the temptation to reply
as they don't pertain to Windows XP. Try alt.get_a_life.


Your not so eloquent, (spelled correctly), and even sadder
replies are unnecessary...please resist the temptation to reply
as they don't pertain to Windows XP. Try alt.get_a_life.
Now THAT is a good reply. No name calling, just good old fashioned
ribbing with just a tad of sarcasm. Still Learning, are you paying
attention here?

Terry R.

The date and time was 6/26/2008 6:11 PM, and on a whim, Gurney pounded
out on the keyboard:
Now THAT is a good reply. No name calling, just good old fashioned
ribbing with just a tad of sarcasm. Still Learning, are you paying
attention here?

And he tried to be Mr. Knowledge by correcting your spelling but then
used "Your" instead of "You're". Gotta love it.

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

Doug W.

Terry R. said:
The date and time was 6/26/2008 6:11 PM, and on a whim, Gurney
pounded out on the keyboard:

And he tried to be Mr. Knowledge by correcting your spelling
but then used "Your" instead of "You're". Gotta love it.

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.
Sorry Terry, but in the context used, "your" was the intended
word used, and not "you're" as you assert. I did not mean "you
are" but the possessive "your".

Terry R.

The date and time was 6/26/2008 11:39 PM, and on a whim, Doug W. pounded
out on the keyboard:
Sorry Terry, but in the context used, "your" was the intended
word used, and not "you're" as you assert. I did not mean "you
are" but the possessive "your".

Sure Doug, if you think so.

Terry R.

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Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

Terry R.

The date and time was 6/26/2008 11:39 PM, and on a whim, Doug W. pounded
out on the keyboard:
Sorry Terry, but in the context used, "your" was the intended
word used, and not "you're" as you assert. I did not mean "you
are" but the possessive "your".

If you meant it as a possessive, you would have said, "Your not so
eloquent remarks/comments/etc, were the reason for my reply". But the
way you worded it was incorrect. "Your not so eloquent" can only be
stated as "You are not so eloquent". IF you would have left the comma
out and said, "Your not so eloquent replies...", then you would have
been correct.

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

Doug W.

Terry R. said:
The date and time was 6/26/2008 11:39 PM, and on a whim, Doug
W. pounded out on the keyboard:

If you meant it as a possessive, you would have said, "Your
not so eloquent remarks/comments/etc, were the reason for my
reply". But the way you worded it was incorrect. "Your not
so eloquent" can only be stated as "You are not so eloquent".
IF you would have left the comma out and said, "Your not so
eloquent replies...", then you would have been correct.

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

Terry R. : Then please remove the "bad" comma for me and we will
both be ecstatically happy.

Terry R.

The date and time was 6/27/2008 8:53 AM, and on a whim, Doug W. pounded
out on the keyboard:

Terry R. : Then please remove the "bad" comma for me and we will
both be ecstatically happy.

Not happy, just correct. ;-)

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

Still learning

"Gurney" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Now THAT is a good reply. No name calling, just good old fashioned
ribbing with just a tad of sarcasm. Still Learning, are you paying
attention here?

You didn't understand me the first time? I said 'kiss my ass bitch", and
keep smooching until you lose the rudeness. There was no need for you to
respond to the OP the way you did. Take a look at PA Bear's response to the
OP. He said what he had to say in a civilized way, not being at all crude,
rude, and a basic idiot like you. Did *you* pay attention? You are a
complete moron.



You didn't understand me the first time? I said 'kiss my ass bitch", and
keep smooching until you lose the rudeness. There was no need for you to
respond to the OP the way you did. Take a look at PA Bear's response to the
OP. He said what he had to say in a civilized way, not being at all crude,
rude, and a basic idiot like you. Did *you* pay attention? You are a
complete moron.
Why is it that YOU can be rude but want to spank me when I was? Does
that not make you a hypocrite? I'm not resorting to the name calling
that you do, just pointing out a fact.

Still learning

Gurney said:
Why is it that YOU can be rude but want to spank me when I was? Does
that not make you a hypocrite? I'm not resorting to the name calling
that you do, just pointing out a fact.

I just told you. I did NOT like how rude you were to the OP...pure and
simple. You were NOT helpful at all. All you did was chastise the person for
asking an Outlook question here. Well maybe they didn't know about the
Outlook newsgroups, maybe their computer wasn't working, they freaked and
posted here. And then they get a response like yours. it wasn't cute,
necessary, or called for. People should understand that not everyone who
posts here knows all of the rules. So to answer your question, I never said
you name called, I said you were rude to the OP and you were.

Still learning

Wow....this is really getting comical, but it also speaks to something else
a bit more serious...guess what it is? Anyway, Doug is CORREC T. Let's
break it down so all can see why, so we can put this to bed! This is what he

"Your not so eloquent, (spelled correctly), and even sadder replies are
unnecessary...please resist the temptation to reply as they don't pertain
to Windows XP. Try alt.get_a_life".

Ok...let's take the parenthesis and the words inside them out...and we have
'Your not so eloquent, and even sadder replies are unnecessary...please
resist the temptation to reply as they don't pertain to Windows XP. Try

Now lets also take the words 'and even sadder' out, make *replies* singular
so we get *reply*, and we're left with this. 'Your not so eloquent, reply
are unnecessary...please resist the temptation to reply as they don't
pertain to Windows XP. Try alt.get_a_life.'

Next change *are* to *is* since things are no longer plural, and you have
this: Your not so eloquent, reply is unnecessary...please resist the
temptation to reply as they don't pertain to Windows XP. Try

Take out the comma because now you wouldn't need it and you get this: Your
not so eloquent reply is unnecessary...please resist the temptation to reply
as they don't pertain to Windows XP. Try alt.get_a_life.

If you STILL don't understand, take out the words 'not so eloquent', and
you're left with this: 'Your reply is unnecessary...please resist the
temptation to reply as they don't pertain to Windows XP. Try

See...YOUR *is* the proper word, because it was Gurney's reply he was
talking about.

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